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  • In Conversation… Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy

    Renowned clinical psychologist, Kim Golding, discusses how Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy can support developmentally traumatised children and their parents, as well as how support for adopted children has changed in the UK over the years.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Refugee Children and Mental Health

    How can mental health practitioners support refugee children? Professor Panos Vostanis shares insights into complex trauma, evidence and interventions in the field, as well as discussing his upcoming Refugee Children and Mental Health Masterclass.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Professor Stephen Scott

    Professor Stephen Scott joins ACAMH in this podcast to discuss his journey from paediatrics to child and adolescent psychiatry, the importance of evidence-based research and what he wants to see in the future for the field of child and adolescent mental health.

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  • Affirmative care may elicit the best mental health outcomes in transgender youths

    In their recent review published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Jack Turban and Diane Ehrensaft highlight that high rates of anxiety, depression and suicidal intentions in children with gender concerns may be reduced by following affirmative treatment protocols.

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  • Gendered Intelligence – helping young trans people

    Guest blog from Dr Jay Stewart MBE, CEO and Co-founder of Gendered Intelligence. Gendered Intelligence specialises in supporting young trans and gender questioning people between the ages of 8 and 30.

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  • Self image estimations impact on mental health

    Our overall estimation of “self image” is thought to be based on various parameters, such as perceptions of body image, mental function and social attitude. Now, a study by Maria Di Blasi and colleagues has investigated the extent by which these different parameters can influence psychological well-being.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Happiness in Schools

    Dr John Ivens talks to ACAMH about the role of schools in mental health provision, the Government’s green paper on children and young people’s mental health, and assessing students’ experiences of happiness in schools in order to develop personalised approaches.

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  • Emanuel Miller Memorial Lecture and Conference 2018 – Focusing on Adolescent Mental Health

    In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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  • Shared decision making in CAMHS

    With Parents in Mind: Can shared decision making support parents at CAMHS?

    Exploring shared decision making as a triad relationship between clinicians, children and parents where clinicians and service users (i.e. children and parents) share the information when faced with the task of making decisions, and where service users are supported to consider options to achieve informed preferences, may be of value.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

    In conversation with Dr Duncan Gillard, Senior Educational Psychologist and an experienced ACT practitioner, trainer and author. Duncan is the co-author of the popular self-help book Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Dummies.

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