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You searched for: social anxiety
  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Harmful Sexual Behaviour

    What might predispose a young person to harming sexually? What are the warning signs? And what does it mean to go beyond criminal justice to a public health approach?

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  • depression

    Depression – Foreword from the Editor

    Welcome to this edition of The Bridge which focuses on depression.

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  • Supporting Prepubertal Children with anorexia nervosa – a clinician’s experience

    Five patients under the age of twelve have presented with Anorexia Nervosa in the last six months to our community CAMHS Eating Disorders Team, in the North of England, representing 16% of our average annual caseload.

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  • Stephen Scott

    Child to Parent Violence

    Professor Stephen Scott responds to the ITV news’ story about child to parent violence. It was based on a report published on 11 July called Let’s Talk About: Child to Parent Violence and Aggression by the authors Dr Wendy Thorley and Al Coates MBE.

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  • journal covers-JCPP

    JCPP Editorial: Volume 59, Issue 07, July 2018

    “The rising prevalence of autism” by Eric Fombonne

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  • Journal cover

    CAMH team wishes to say thank you, and best wishes, to Professor Jane Barlow

    Jane joined CAMH team as editor in 2012 and took over as Editor-in-Chief in 2016. She is stepping down from her role in September 2018. CAMH has grown in strength under her leadership – gaining in downloads and altmetric scores and also has seen introduction of ‘narrative matters’ – academic essay on health humanities with special relevance to child and adolescent mental health. CAMH is now looking to recruit a new Editor-in-Chief.

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  • I have one of the best jobs in the world

    “For me words just can’t do justice to the pride and importance I attach to working for ACAMH, I think I’ve got one of the best jobs in the world working with a team of professionals who are really evidently passionate about their work and how it impacts on the wellbeing of children and adolescents.”

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  • The Grenfell Tower Fire: The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Children

    Guest blog from Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru, Team Lead for the NHS Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service’s Trauma Clinic for Children & Young People.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Professor Kathy Sylva

    Hear from Professor Kathy Sylva OBE on her research which has explored early education and children’s development, parenting interventions, and the impact of children’s centres on families.

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  • What is an intellectual disability?

    This alphabetical framework is designed as an aide memoire for the identification of an ID (in children, young people or adults). It will help you identify available information sources and gaps in knowledge about an individual’s ability. It will guide you in decision making regarding a likely diagnosis and help you generate a needs based plan.

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