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  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and emotions: are we missing something?

    A higher prevalence of mental health difficulties for autistic people has been demonstrated, we need to ask ourselves why. Increasingly research is highlighting the differences between autistic and neurotypical (NT) emotional development.

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  • One in four children in the UK are exposed to maternal mental illness

    New data published in Lancet Public Health show that nearly a quarter of children aged between 0 and 16 years are exposed to maternal mental illness.

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  • Professor Roz Shafran

    In Conversation… Prof. Roz Shafran

    Professor Roz Shafran covers a range of subjects on mental health, including looking at the work her and her team undertake at Great Ormond Street Hospital. This includes innovations such a mental health ‘booth’ for children and families. Roz also looks at the rise of dysfunctional perfectionism

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  • The Challenge Model – anxious and vulnerable children

    Royal Free Hospital Children’s School (RFHCS) has been running a specific programme to address the needs of a cohort of anxious and vulnerable children for the last 4 years – many of whom exhibit signs of emotionally based school refusal. Featured in the TES – this ‘challenge’ model includes three elements agreed by students, namely: […]

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    Twilight Meeting
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  • Psychological resilience in young people

    Having spent a lot of time on a camp bed in a paediatric ward with young people and their families, some of whom were inpatients for weeks on end and facing huge physical challenges, it has made me wonder a great deal about the elements of psychological resilience in young people.

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  • Depression, Self-harm and Suicidal Thoughts edition

    There are good treatments available for depression, (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) though more options are required to meet the needs of those that do not respond well to treatment. The costs to society, not just the treatment cost but also cost to individuals and wider society including education and employment, are huge.

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  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder edition

    This edition of ‘The Bridge’ focusses on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Both of these can resemble each other with the over-focus, special interests and anxieties seen in ASD resembling the obsessions of OCD, and the routines, rituals and need for order and sameness that can be seen in ASD resembling the compulsions in OCD.

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  • Cognitive flexibility in OCD: challenging the paradigm

    Data from a new study by Nicole Wolff and colleagues suggest that cognitive flexibility can be better in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) than typically developing controls.

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  • Cognitive flexibility in OCD: challenging the paradigm

    Data from a new study by Nicole Wolff and colleagues suggest that cognitive flexibility can be better in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) than typically developing controls.

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  • What is the effect of post-institutionalisation? A research digest

    Research digest on DePasquale, Donzella and Gunnar’s (2018) study, which was published JCPP ‘Pubertal recalibration of cortisol reactivity following early life stress: a cross‐sectional analysis’.

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