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You searched for: OpenHouse+on+Autism
  • Associate Professor Dr. Catharina A. Hartman

    Open Science, Rapid Publication, and Collaboration

    JCPP Advances is already causing waves in the research sector with 38 papers published, and 4 papers having found policy mentions making a difference in the real world. In this podcast, we hear from Dr. Catharina Hartman about our Open Access journal, JCPP Advances, as well as her recent work with the CoCA (Comorbid Conditions of ADHD) project.

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  • Professor Henning Tiemeier

    Combined polygenic risk scores, & predicting psychopathology

    For this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Alex Neumann and Professor Henning Tiemeier to discuss the JCPP paper ‘Combined polygenic risk scores of different psychiatric traits predict general and specific psychopathology in childhood’.

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