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You searched for: self harm
  • Dr. Maria Loades

    COMET; Student Mental Health and Single-Session Interventions

    For this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Maria Loades to discuss the Common Elements Toolbox (COMET), a study testing a digital intervention to help university students improve their wellbeing.

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  • Dr. Dasha Nicholls

    Eating Disorders – Ask The Expert

    FREE ONLINE EVENT FOR TEACHERS. Join Dr. Dasha Nicholls as she shares her knowledge and insights into eating disorders, specifically exploring the signs and impact of disordered eating and guidance on how best to respond.

    Event type
    Teacher Exclusive Event
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  • Assistant Professor Akhgar Ghassabian

    Adolescent gender diversity: sociodemographic correlates & mental health outcomes

    In this podcast, we are joined by Assistant Professor Akhgar Ghassabian and Dr. Tonya White to discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Adolescent gender diversity: sociodemographic correlates and mental health outcomes in the general population’.

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  • Dr. Will Mandy

    Late-diagnosed Autistic Children: Mental Health & Social Difficulties

    In this podcast, we talk to Professor Will Mandy about his JCPP paper ‘Mental health and social difficulties of late-diagnosed autistic children, across childhood and adolescence’.

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  • Dr. Aja Murray

    ADHD, Comorbidity, and Longitudinal Research

    In this podcast, we talk to Dr. Aja Murray, winner of ACAMH’s Kathy Sylva ‘Rising Star’ Award 2021, about her research into developmental aspects of mental health phenotypes and their comorbidity, with a particular interest in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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  • Dr. Joey Frederick

    Sluggish Cognitive tempo; circadian preference, sleep, and daytime sleepiness

    In this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Joey Fredrick to tackle the question ‘Is sluggish cognitive tempo associated with circadian preference, sleep, and daytime sleepiness in adolescence?’. Joey is the first author of a paper on this topic published in the JCPP.

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  • Professor Lina Gega

    Creative Methods and Digital Media: Supporting Psychological Therapies

    In this podcast, we talk to Professor Lina Gega, joint editor of the Child & Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) journal, about her work on several interesting projects, focusing on using creative methods and digital media to support psychological therapies.

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  • Dr. Dean Burnett

    Adolescent Sleep: Stereotypes and Misunderstandings

    For this podcast, focusing on adolescent sleep, we are joined by celebrated neuroscientist Dr. Dean Burnett, author of The Idiot Brain and a speaker at a February 2022 ACAMH live stream event, The enigma of adolescent sleep: misunderstood science and effective intervention.

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  • Meet the Young Ambassadors

    Congratulations, Charlotte, on being named as an ACAMH Young Person’s Ambassador. Please could you tell us a bit about yourself? My name is Charlotte Howdle and I am a fourth year medical student at the University of Cambridge. I have an interest in mental health, particularly of young people and have spent the last two […]

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  • Joanna Foster

    Fire starting; early intervention and education

    In this podcast, criminologist Joanna Foster discusses fire starting in children, early intervention and fire safety education. Joanna is the managing director of fabtic, a company specialising in fire setting behaviour by children.

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