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You searched for: sleep
  • Dr. Blandine French

    ADHD and Sleep – Episode 3 ‘ADHD, A Young Person’s Guide’

    Hosted by Dr. Blandine French, this podcast series focuses on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and is designed to help young people and their families. This episode focuses on ADHD and sleep, and Blandine is joined by Emily El-Bahrawy, a young person with lived experience of ADHD, and Helen Tracey, a sleep practitioner with Parenting Special Children.

    We are delighted to produce this podcast series in partnership with Clinical Partners, the UK’s largest private mental health partnership.

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  • Dr. Joey Frederick

    Sluggish Cognitive tempo; circadian preference, sleep, and daytime sleepiness

    In this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Joey Fredrick to tackle the question ‘Is sluggish cognitive tempo associated with circadian preference, sleep, and daytime sleepiness in adolescence?’. Joey is the first author of a paper on this topic published in the JCPP.

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  • Dr. Dean Burnett

    Adolescent Sleep: Stereotypes and Misunderstandings

    For this podcast, focusing on adolescent sleep, we are joined by celebrated neuroscientist Dr. Dean Burnett, author of The Idiot Brain and a speaker at a February 2022 ACAMH live stream event, The enigma of adolescent sleep: misunderstood science and effective intervention.

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  • Dr. Faith Orchard

    ‘Self‐reported sleep patterns and quality amongst adolescents: cross‐sectional and prospective associations with anxiety and depression’ – video abstract

    Video abstract from Dr. Faith Orchard on her paper in JCPP on ‘Self‐reported sleep patterns and quality amongst adolescents: cross‐sectional and prospective associations with anxiety and depression’.

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  • Sleep Edition

    This edition of The Bridge concentrates on sleep, a poignant reminder that I am editing this on a 6am train to London having shortened my own sleep cycle and feeling rather sleep deprived on this dark winter morning.

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  • Dimitris Tsomokos

    Chronotype and Depression in Adolescence

    We know that there is a bidirectional association between sleep duration/quality and depressive symptoms in youth. In adult populations depressive symptoms and circadian rhythms (sleep chronotype) have also been linked. In this paper, we established an association between chronotype and depressive symptoms in middle adolescence, independently of poor sleep and prior mental health difficulties.

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  • Teodora Gliga

    More frequent naps are associated with lower cognitive development in a cohort of 8–38-month-old children, during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Here we investigate sleep patterns in association with two measures of cognitive ability, vocabulary size, measured with the Oxford-Communicative Development Inventory and cognitive executive functions (EF), measured with the Early EF Questionnaire, in a cohort of 8–38-month-olds’. Teodora Gliga (pic) et al.

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  • Juan J. Madrid-Valero

    Sub-types of insomnia in adolescents: Insights from a quantitative/molecular twin study

    Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Insomnia with short sleep duration has been postulated as more severe than that accompanied by normal/long sleep length. While the short duration subtype is considered to have greater genetic influence than the other subtype, no studies have addressed this question’. Juan J. Madrid-Valero (pic) et al.

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  • Marica Leone

    Melatonin use and the risk of self-harm and unintentional injuries in youths with and without psychiatric disorders

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – ‘This study investigated whether melatonin, which is the most common medication for sleep disturbances in youth in Sweden, is associated with a decreased risk of injury. Analyses were stratified by sex, injury type, psychiatric comorbidities and age at melatonin-treatment initiation’. Marica Leone (pic) et al.

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  • Dr. Alice M. Gregory

    Alice Gregory is a Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths University of London and Director of the Goldsmiths Sleep Lab. Alice first developed an interest in sleep research as an undergraduate student of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford and went on to complete her PhD at the Social, Genetic, Developmental Psychiatry Research Centre, King’s College, London.

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