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You searched for: autism+series+guide
  • Sleep Edition

    This edition of The Bridge concentrates on sleep, a poignant reminder that I am editing this on a 6am train to London having shortened my own sleep cycle and feeling rather sleep deprived on this dark winter morning.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Developmental Language Disorder

    Professor Courtenay Norbury defines Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), expands on its impact and discusses how and when to identify it.

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  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder with Dr Bruce Clarke and Dr Amita Jassi

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a common, yet typically under-recognised and challenging to treat condition. Dr Bruce Clarke and Dr Amita Jassi highlight the common issues clinicians face when assessing and treating BDD and how to overcome these. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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  • ‘Neurodevelopmental Disorders’ – Foreword from Guest Editor Dr Mark Lovell

    This edition of The Bridge concentrates on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Research, particularly on treatments in children within the neurodevelopmental arenas is limited and in many ways behind general mental health research for children or adults.

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  • Dramatherapy: History, Applications and Outcome Measures

    Dramatherapist, Kairo Maynard, on the development of dramatherapy and how it can be used to help support young people.

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  • A cup half full or half empty? A reflection on 15 years working with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the UK

    “It has been 15 years now that I have been working within the field of specialist diagnosis and behavioural management of individuals with FASD. At this point in my journey, as well as the journey of FASD diagnostic services in the UK, it felt like a good time to step sideways and reflect on how far we had come and where we still have yet to go.”

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  • pupils and teacher smiling in class

    The ACAMH story, the Board…

    From its earliest inception ACAMH has attracted a diverse range of professions and individuals – all with the shared aim of improving the mental health of children and young people. Its current board reflects that more than ever with an eclectic mix of clinicians and academics who have spent their careers working to help some of the most vulnerable in our society.

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  • Beat – helping those affected by eating disorder

    Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity, and is a champion, guide and friend to all affected by these serious mental illnesses.

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  • A wealth of experience benefiting ACAMH

    “If you’re going to care for people you have to care for the people who are caring.”

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  • What is an intellectual disability?

    This alphabetical framework is designed as an aide memoire for the identification of an ID (in children, young people or adults). It will help you identify available information sources and gaps in knowledge about an individual’s ability. It will guide you in decision making regarding a likely diagnosis and help you generate a needs based plan.

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