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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Sally Hogg

    Understanding Early Trauma: The case for supporting parent-infant relationships

    Understanding of adverse childhood experiences has grown in recent years. We now know more about how external circumstances cause psychological trauma in some children. When we understand early trauma – and the importance of early relationships – we are better able to prevent, and respond to, children’s mental health problems. [Please note that this is an external blog and may not reflect the views of ACAMH]

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  • Assistant Professor Akhgar Ghassabian

    Adolescent gender diversity: sociodemographic correlates & mental health outcomes

    In this podcast, we are joined by Assistant Professor Akhgar Ghassabian and Dr. Tonya White to discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Adolescent gender diversity: sociodemographic correlates and mental health outcomes in the general population’.

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  • Dr. Aja Murray

    ADHD, Comorbidity, and Longitudinal Research

    In this podcast, we talk to Dr. Aja Murray, winner of ACAMH’s Kathy Sylva ‘Rising Star’ Award 2021, about her research into developmental aspects of mental health phenotypes and their comorbidity, with a particular interest in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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  • Dr. Joey Frederick

    Sluggish Cognitive tempo; circadian preference, sleep, and daytime sleepiness

    In this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Joey Fredrick to tackle the question ‘Is sluggish cognitive tempo associated with circadian preference, sleep, and daytime sleepiness in adolescence?’. Joey is the first author of a paper on this topic published in the JCPP.

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  • Autism Awareness Week

    World Autism Acceptance Week 2022

    This World Autism Acceptance Week (28 March – 3 April), we encourage you to explore the learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks. Together we can help change attitudes and work towards creating a society that works for autistic children and young people.

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  • Professor Emily Simonoff

    Autism and Co-existing Conditions in Children

    It is estimated that around 70% of people with autism have one mental health condition (such as anxiety, ADHD, depression or OCD) and around 40% of the 70% will have more than one. Some of these mental health conditions begin in childhood and are sometimes referred to as co-occurring or co-existing conditions.

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  • Professor Lina Gega

    Creative Methods and Digital Media: Supporting Psychological Therapies

    In this podcast, we talk to Professor Lina Gega, joint editor of the Child & Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) journal, about her work on several interesting projects, focusing on using creative methods and digital media to support psychological therapies.

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  • Dr. Dean Burnett

    Adolescent Sleep: Stereotypes and Misunderstandings

    For this podcast, focusing on adolescent sleep, we are joined by celebrated neuroscientist Dr. Dean Burnett, author of The Idiot Brain and a speaker at a February 2022 ACAMH live stream event, The enigma of adolescent sleep: misunderstood science and effective intervention.

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  • University Mental Health Day

    #UniMentalHealthDay Shaping the Future of Student Mental Health

    University Mental Health Day encourages universities, students, and the wider community to work together to improve the university experience; to make mental health a university-wide priority; and to help change the future of student mental health. This University Mental Health Day, we encourage you to explore the learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks.

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  • What CAMH Professionals Need to Know About Student Mental Health

    On University Mental Health Day, Rhiannon Hawkins discusses several factors that impact on university students’ mental health, and she explains her top tips for clinician actions to address these factors and improve mental healthcare for university students.

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