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You searched for: self harm
  • Happy group of kids playing at the park

    Benefits of the Outdoors on Well-Being & Mental Health – recording

    For delegates only – The aim of this online conference was to explore and learn about the benefits of the outdoors and nature on well-being. A further aim is to encourage delegates to reflect on how these topics may apply to their professional approaches with young people and own personal well-being.

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  • Micah Boerma

    Recommendations for male-friendly counselling with adolescent males

    In this Papers Podcast, Micah Boerma discusses his CAMH paper ‘Review: Recommendations for male-friendly counselling with adolescent males: A qualitative systematic literature review’. Micah is the first author of the review.

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  • Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke

    Championing research about, by and for neurodivergent people

    How neurodiversity-inspired thinking is casting a new light on brain development research, with neurodivergent young people at its core.

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  • Kristjan Kikerpill

    Doom-monitoring Students’ Online Interactions and Content Creation in Schools

    In this ‘Papers Podcast’, we are joined by Professor Andra Siibak and Kristjan Kikerpill (pic) to discuss their CAMH journal 2023 Special issue paper ‘Schools engaged in doom-monitoring students’ online interactions and content creation: an analysis of dominant media discourses’.

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  • Looked after child getting a hug

    Trauma and Looked After Children – recording

    The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, in collaboration with Child and Family Training (C&FT) and Improved Futures (IF) present a series of Briefing Seminars on ‘Dealing with distress, restoring well-being, and promoting resilience of Looked After Children and young people who have suffered extensive trauma’. Our goal is to help Looked After Services, Social Workers, […]

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  • Dr. Nora Trompeter

    How England’s calorie labelling policy is impacting young people

    Last year the government introduced the out-of-home calorie labelling policy in England to help people make informed nutritional decisions as part of a broader strategy to reduce rates of obesity. However, little is known about how this policy impacts young people’s mental health, especially those with lived experience of eating disorders. Here we summarise the existing research and highlight areas for further investigation.

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  • bereaved child

    Bereavement – Pedagogy in practice

    This Bereavement session was aimed at teachers and school leaders, and Chartered College of Teaching Members. ACAMH is delighted to have teamed up with the Chartered College of Teaching to present these FREE online training series entitled ‘Pedagogy in practice’. Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical […]

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  • Kate Cooper

    Phenomenology of Gender Dysphoria in Autism

    In this ‘Papers Podcast’ episode, we are joined by Dr. Kate Cooper to discuss her JCPP paper ‘Phenomenology of gender dysphoria in autism: a multiperspective qualitative analysis’. Kate is the first author of the paper.

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  • Portrait of a sad teenage girl looking thoughtful about troubles in front of a

    Harmful sexual behaviours among children and young people – recording

    The ACAMH Northwest branch presented this half day conference on sexually harmful behaviours in children and young people. The webinar focused on several key presentations, questions and discussion.

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  • Dr. Hiran Thabrew

    CAMH Editorial: Volume 28, Issue 1, Special Issue: Technology and Mental Health for Children and Adolescents: Pros and Cons, February 2023

    Editorial: Control alt delete – technology and children’s mental health Hiran Thabrew, Lina Gega Abstract With international contributions from Denmark, Peru, Italy, Turkey, Estonia, Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and the UK, this special issue offers insights and evidence about the technology’s ability to act as a force of good and a source of harm […]

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