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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Resilence Edition Editorial

    In this edition we bring together a number of papers that broadly discuss the theme of resilience and developing resilience through therapy.

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  • Self-Perceptual Bias and Internalizing Symptoms: Implications for ADHD

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting 5 – 7% of school-aged children.1 Given that many children with ADHD experience difficulty paying attention and managing impulsive behaviors, it is not surprising that children with ADHD often struggle with basic tasks, such as schoolwork, daily routines, and social interactions.

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  • Help yourself (but get some support): meta-analysis of self-help interventions for children

    We know that poor mental health in childhood is associated with poorer quality of life, increased likelihood of having a mental health disorder in adulthood and poorer occupational and social outcomes. We also know that there are numerous effective interventions for mental health problems, with over 750 treatment protocols for evidence-based psychological treatments in children. However, demand for treatment outstrips supply.

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  • The Challenge Model – anxious and vulnerable children

    Royal Free Hospital Children’s School (RFHCS) has been running a specific programme to address the needs of a cohort of anxious and vulnerable children for the last 4 years – many of whom exhibit signs of emotionally based school refusal. Featured in the TES – this ‘challenge’ model includes three elements agreed by students, namely: […]

    Event type
    Twilight Meeting
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  • What does a CAMHS MDT need to know about the genetics of psychiatric disorder?

    Our knowledge of the genetics of psychiatric disorders has increased rapidly in recent years. Discover what has been learnt, focusing on some of the psychiatric disorders commonly seen in CAMHS, before going on to discuss how these findings may be relevant to clinical practice.

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  • Suicide and self-harm in young people – Judy Dunn National Conference

    The prevalence of suicide and self-harm in children and adolescence is a subject we should all be concerned with. For the 2019 Judy Dunn National Conference we have gathered together the leading academics, clinicians, and researchers in fields of self-harm and suicide, plus those who have lived experience. Join us for the latest evidence-based research, […]

    Event type
    National Conference
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  • Continued family dysfunction accounts for the association between childhood adversity and adolescent self-harm

    Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is any deliberate attempt at inflicting physical self-harm in the absence of suicidal intent. NSSI peaks during adolescence, with roughly 17% of adolescents reporting having engaged in it at least once.

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  • In conversation… Sleep and mental health with Dr. Faith Orchard

    Does it make a difference if children are larks or owls? At what point should we be concerned about sleep problems? What is the knock-on effect of poor sleep on social factors? All this and more with Dr. Faith Orchard.

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  • Reply to Dr Sinead Rhodes’ commentary

    A reply to Dr Sinead Rhodes’ commentary: co-occurrences between motor skills, executive function and language skills from early in development, a commentary on Gooch et al. (2014)

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  • Most Cited JCPP Articles #50 of 60

    Most cited JCPP papers #50 of 60: Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders: a randomized, controlled trial

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