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  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a common, yet typically under-recognised and challenging to treat condition. This talk gives a whistle-stop tour of what BDD is, highlighting the common issues clinicians face when assessing and treating BDD and how to overcome these. We will draw on clinical experience and the evidence-base to help increase knowledge and confidence […]

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    Twilight Meeting
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  • Persistent picky eating predicts pervasive developmental disorders in children

    Picky eating — characterized by food refusal, unwillingness to try new foods or eating a limited variety of foods — affects 14-50% preschool children and is often considered by clinicians as a normal phase of child development.

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  • Infants of mothers with eating disorders show neurobehavioural and cognitive defects

    Eating disorders can have serious adverse clinical, social and psychological outcomes in affected patients, but whether maternal eating disorders are associated with negative outcomes in newborns is unknown.

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  • Guest Blog

    Loneliness and relationships in young people

    Dr Farhana Mann and Dr Francesca Solmi write about research on isolation and loneliness in young people and how it affects their mental health.

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  • Prof. Lionel Hersov, Editor of JCPP 1963-83, passes away

    Prof. Lionel Hersov, who was editor of JCPP from 1963-1983, passed away recently. In his role as its editor, which spanned two decades, he was the driving force behind the development of the journal. The JCPP team fondly remembers his great contribution. Prof. Patricia Howlin, King’s College London, recalls, “I had the pleasure of working […]

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  • Journal cover

    CAMH team wishes to say thank you, and best wishes, to Professor Jane Barlow

    Jane joined CAMH team as editor in 2012 and took over as Editor-in-Chief in 2016. She is stepping down from her role in September 2018. CAMH has grown in strength under her leadership – gaining in downloads and altmetric scores and also has seen introduction of ‘narrative matters’ – academic essay on health humanities with special relevance to child and adolescent mental health. CAMH is now looking to recruit a new Editor-in-Chief.

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  • Violent self-harm may predict subsequent suicide

    Researchers in Sweden have found that violent methods of self-harm requiring hospitalization may indicate high risk of future suicide in adolescents and young women.

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  • Clinical characteristics of adolescents referred for treatment of depressive disorders

    Low mood and depression often emerge during adolescence and are associated with long-term difficulties including increased risk of developing other mental health disorders, educational underachievement, low income/unemployment, and risk of suicidal behaviour.

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  • Professor Andrea Danese

    Professor Andrea Danese is Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK. The research from his team focuses on childhood trauma, and he has published widely on the consequences of childhood trauma, the mechanisms through which childhood trauma affects health, and prevention and treatment of […]

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  • Dr Patrick Smith

    Dr Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London, and Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the National & Specialist Child Traumatic Stress & Anxiety Clinic, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. His collaborative research has focused on understanding children’s psychological reactions to trauma, and on developing […]

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