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  • Cover image

    Neurodevelopmental Disorders

    This edition of The Bridge concentrates on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Research, particularly on treatments in children within the neurodevelopmental arenas is limited and in many ways behind general mental health research for children or adults.

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  • Parent-delivered teaching supports children’s early language development

    This article is a summary of the paper ‘An evaluation of a parent-delivered early language enrichment programme: evidence from a randomised controlled trial’ by Burgoyne et al. (2018), published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Anxiety

    We spoke to Professor Cathy Creswell about some of the barriers to support for children with anxiety, the Anxiety and Depression in Young people research clinic, and her role as the lead for the Emerging Minds: Action for Child Mental Health research network.

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  • journal covers-JCPP

    JCPP Editorial: Volume 59, Issue 11, November 2018

    “Autistic social behaviors and the half‐empty, half‐full cup” by Charles H. Zeanah

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  • Dennis Ougrin

    In Conversation… Self-Harm

    A specialist in self-harm and suicide, Dr Dennis Ougrin emphasises the importance of early intervention and prevention, as well as the potential of Therapeutic Assesssment, a novel model of assessment for young people with self-harm ahead of his upcoming Self Harm Masterclass.

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  • Adult ABMT protocols need adapting for effective use in children

    Attention bias modification treatment (ABMT) aims to target attention biases in threat processing in patients with anxiety1. While ABMT seems to be effective in adults with social anxiety disorder (SAD),2,3 its effect in youths with SAD and the potential treatment moderators are unclear. In 2016, Lee Pergamin-Hight and colleagues conducted a randomised controlled trial to explore the efficacy of ABMT in youths and the influence of possible moderators of treatment outcomes.

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  • FRIENDS programme reduced anxiety, but has no effect on school academic performance

    Professor Paul Stallard and colleagues have analysed data from the randomised controlled trial “Preventing Anxiety in Children through Education in Schools” that involved >1,300 children aged 9-10 years from 40 primary schools across England.

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  • Meta-analysis of secondary anxiety prevention

    Dr Peter Lawrence summarises the paper ‘Prevention of anxiety among at-risk children and adolescents – a systematic review and meta-analysis’

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  • Effects of development must be considered when examining interpretation bias in children with anxiety

    Anxiety is often treated using interventions that target interpretation bias, but the link between interpretation bias and anxiety in children is unclear. Now, in a Research Review published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Suzannah Stuijfzand and colleagues have performed a meta-analysis of the literature to establish whether this association in children really does exist.

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  • Negative interpretation bias in adolescents with subclinical social anxiety disorder

    Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a marked fear or anxiety of social situations where an individual may be exposed to possible scrutiny by others. Now, Yura Loscalzo and colleagues have examined the contribution of different components of interpretation bias — a model proposed to explain SAD whereby affected individuals systematically assign a threatening meaning to an objectively ambiguous stimulus with several possible interpretations.

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