PAPYRUS – working for prevention of suicide in young people
Every year many thousands more attempt or contemplate suicide, harm themselves or suffer alone, afraid to speak openly about how they are feeling. PAPYRUS strongly believes that many young suicides are preventable.
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Navigating an unfamiliar world: how parents of young people that self-harm experience support and treatment
Participants described a range of reactions to treatment and support for themselves and the young person. We identified three main themes: attitudes towards the young person, practical aspects of help and the need for parents to be involved.
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Place children and young people at the heart of the strategy – A recent call by a joint UK Select Committee
In their recent 1st joint Select Committee report, May 2018, the Education, Health and Social Care Committees call upon the government to take a stronger stance on child and adolescent mental health and to join up the appropriate services in a way that places children and young people at the heart of its strategy.
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Suicide risk in the young: what, how and who to study
Suicide is the second leading cause of death in children and adolescents and occurs at a higher rate in this population than in any other age group.
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Self-Harm & Suicide Issue – Foreword from the Editor
As a clinician, it certainly does feel that more and more young people are being referred, following self harm or with suicidal ideas, to the CAMHS service I work in. This nationwide increase in numbers is acknowledged in recent government reports, which are summarised in this edition.
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JCPP Special Editorial
“Open science and the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry – next steps?” by the editors of JCPP
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JCPP Editorial: Volume 59, Issue 05, May 2018
“One size does not fit all: addressing the challenges of intervention for complex developmental issues” by Courtenay Frazier Norbury
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Psychotherapies are commonly used therapies for children and young people. They can help children and families understand and resolve problems, change their behaviour and change the way they think and feel about their experiences.
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In Conversation… Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
Renowned clinical psychologist, Kim Golding, discusses how Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy can support developmentally traumatised children and their parents, as well as how support for adopted children has changed in the UK over the years.
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Affirmative care may elicit the best mental health outcomes in transgender youths
In their recent review published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Jack Turban and Diane Ehrensaft highlight that high rates of anxiety, depression and suicidal intentions in children with gender concerns may be reduced by following affirmative treatment protocols.
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