Anxiety disorders

  • journal covers-JCPP

    JCPP Editorial: Volume 59, Issue 08, August 2018

    “Sweet nothings – the value of negative findings for scientific progress” by A.J. (Tineke) Oldehinkel

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  • Can this app help autistic people with anxiety?

    Available on the Apple App Store today, Molehill Mountain is the first evidence-led smartphone app aiming to help autistic adults understand and self-manage their own anxiety. The app has been developed by UK research charity Autistica and researchers at King’s College London with input from autistic people. 

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  • Just one of the challenges for paediatricians

    Before getting involved with ACAMH Max said he was wary of joining a “talking shop” but saw immediately that the organisation was active in engaging the broader mental health community.

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  • A happy accident

    Arriving early to an ACAMH Conference set Dr Mark Lovell off on an ever expanding journey with the Association.

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  • worried teen

    Anxiety Disorders

    Anxiety disorders in children and young people are common and can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being. Anxiety disorders can affect family, school and social life, leisure activities and educational achievement and they often occur alongside other mental health problems.

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  • Gender Identity Development – An Introduction

    This all-day conference is equivalent to 5 CPD learning hours and is aimed at professionals working in mental health or pastoral roles/teams who are supporting gender diverse young people. The day will provide attendees with an overview of the presentation of gender identity issues in adolescents along with possible treatment pathways. It will also give […]

    Event type
    Day Conference
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  • Gendered Intelligence – helping young trans people

    Guest blog from Dr Jay Stewart MBE, CEO and Co-founder of Gendered Intelligence. Gendered Intelligence specialises in supporting young trans and gender questioning people between the ages of 8 and 30.

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  • Self image estimations impact on mental health

    Our overall estimation of “self image” is thought to be based on various parameters, such as perceptions of body image, mental function and social attitude. Now, a study by Maria Di Blasi and colleagues has investigated the extent by which these different parameters can influence psychological well-being.

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  • Elevated anxiety risk in sexual minority adolescents

    Adolescents that are not exclusively heterosexual (“sexual minority”) are at an increased risk of developing an anxiety disorder compared to their heterosexual counterparts, according to recent data from a prospective birth cohort study.

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  • Rumination affects mother–infant interactions

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    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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