Single Session Intervention
When do the Effects of Single-Session Interventions Persist?
In this Papers Podcast, Cameron Hecht discusses his JCPP Advances paper ‘When do the effects of single-session interventions persist? Testing the mindset + supportive context hypothesis in a longitudinal randomized trial’.
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What Works for Whom: Treatment Selection Approach for Single-Session Interventions for Depression
In this Papers Podcast, Isaac Ahuvia discusses his JCPP paper ‘Evaluating a treatment selection approach for online single-session interventions for adolescent depression’. Isaac is the lead author of the paper.
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Little Treatments, BIG effects: Conversation on Single-Session Interventions – recording
Delegates only – Dr. Jessica Schleider’s, Associate Professor of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago, led this session on Single-Session Interventions. SSIs integrate cutting-edge psychological science, lived experience narratives and practical self-help activities to introduce a new type of therapeutic experience to audiences worldwide.
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Little Treatments, BIG effects: Conversation on Single-Session Interventions – recording
Members only – Dr. Jessica Schleider’s, Associate Professor of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago, led this session on Single-Session Interventions. SSIs integrate cutting-edge psychological science, lived experience narratives and practical self-help activities to introduce a new type of therapeutic experience to audiences worldwide.
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When do the effects of single-session interventions persist? Testing the mindset + supportive context hypothesis in a longitudinal randomized trial
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – ‘Single-session interventions have the potential to address young people’s mental health needs at scale, but their effects are heterogeneous. We tested whether the mindset + supportive context hypothesis could help explain when intervention effects persist or fade over time’. Cameron A. Hecht (pic) et al.
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Single Session Interventions: Expanding Current Provision and Improving Early Access
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Maria Loades discusses her co-authored Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) journal paper ‘Technology Matters: Online, self-help single session interventions could expand current provision, improving early access to help for young people with depression symptoms, including minority groups’.
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Technology Matters: Online, self-help single session interventions could expand current provision, improving early access to help for young people with depression symptoms, including minority groups
Open Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘Current mental health service provision for young people was primarily designed based on an assumption of repeat attendance to enable access to interventions. This applies to in-person therapy and, in recent years, digitally provided apps and programmes. Yet, discontinuation after only one or two attendances or uses is a common problem. However, there is a different model, which is intentionally designing provision without assuming repeat attendance, that is, single session interventions.’ Maria E. Loades (pic) and Jessica L. Schleider
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