JCPP Editorial: Volume 64, Issue 10, October 2023
Editorial: “Paradigm ‘flipping’ to reinvigorate translational science: Outlining a neurodevelopmental science framework from a ‘neurodiversity’ perspective” by Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke
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‘Precious, like gold… everybody brings their gifts’ – Why changing culture and attitudes towards neurodiversity matters when supporting children and young people. (recording)
This webinar, organised by the ACAMH Scottish Branch, provided an opportunity to look at the changing culture and attitudes towards neurodiversity matters when supporting children and young people. The recordings are for delegates only.
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Debate: Neurodiversity, autism and healthcare
Open Access paper from the CAMH journal – ‘I discuss current different uses of the term autism, the relation to intellectual disability, and introduce a conceptualisation of autism as emergent and transactional, which is consistent with current developmental and intervention science. This could bridge between neurodiversity and clinical perspectives and implies a framing of early intervention support that has strong clinical trials evidence and provides the basis for a rational and pre-emptive evidenced care pathway, which I describe.’ Jonathan Green (pic).
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JCPP Advances 2023 Lectures ‘What the research tells us; Anxiety, Neurodiversity, Suicide, and Genetics’ – recording
This free webinar features a series of five fantastic 10-minute lectures from leading researchers, academics and practitioners on key topics in the field of child and adolescent mental health.
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