Eating Disorders
Autism and Eating Disorders – CAMHS Campfire recording
For this session we welcomed Dr. Francesca Solmi (pic), UCL, and Dr. Lisa Dinkler, Karolinska Institutet to discuss papers on Autism and Eating Disorders. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.
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Dr. Kelly Klump
Kelly L. Klump, Ph.D., is a MSU Foundation Endowed Professor in the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University. She is the Co-Director of the Michigan State University Twin Registry and serves as a Specialist Subject Editor for JCPP.
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Are autistic behaviours a trait or a state of anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa (AN) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) seem to co-occur more frequently than would be expected by chance.1,2 Yet because most studies investigating the nature of this co-occurrence have used a retrospective design, where the data are prone to recall bias, we don’t know whether the elevation of autistic traits in AN is present from childhood or rather from AN onset.
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Developments in Eating Disorders Research
As everyone’s thoughts are dominated by the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing, it seems pertinent to start by thinking how people with or at risk of eating disorders may have been affected. Research suggests that the impacts differ according to the type of eating disorder concerns and behaviours.
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Treatment-seeking for eating disorders among adolescents: Implications for mental health literacy campaigns
Eating disorders commonly occur during adolescence, however, only a minority (10-25%) of affected adolescents receive appropriate treatment.
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‘OpenHouse on Autism’ – Meal time stress and managing food sensitivities
Dr. Lucy Sanctuary, Autism specialist with Clinical Partners, eating disorder specialist Dr. Vicki Ford and Dr. Ann Ozsivadjian discover practical ways to address challenges around food.
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Food Sensitivities and Proclivities – Episode 6 ‘Autism, a parents guide’ with Dr. Vicki Ford
Episode 6 with Dr. Vicki Ford looks at food sensitivities and proclivities, how to build a healthy relationship with food whilst understanding the challenges for many autistic children. Includes transcription, and links.
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Eating Disorders in Children and Young People
In most cases, eating disorders start in adolescence, but they are often not picked up until adulthood. Current research supports the use of several types of psychotherapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), interpersonal and family-based therapies, as well as some medications for the treatment of eating disorders.
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The ‘obesogenic’ environment of adolescent inpatient units: A call for action to support the promotion of better physical wellbeing
The term ‘obesogenic’ has been used to describe the unique set of circumstances people experience on mental health inpatient units which results in a propensity for weight gain. Find out about the implications and interventions.
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In Conversation… Eating Disorders with Dr. Dasha Nicholls
In this podcast, Dr. Dasha Nicholls talks about eating and feeding disorders in children and young people.
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