
  • The association between anxiety and poor school attendance

    School plays a key role in children’s development, and frequent absence from school increases the likelihood of a range of adverse outcomes in childhood and later life. This includes poor academic performance, social isolation, economic deprivation and unemployment in adulthood. There are many risk factors for frequent school absence, including factors related to the child and their family, school and community.

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  • In Conversation… Digital Interventions with Dr. Bethan Davies & Dr. Aislinn Bergin

    In this podcast on Digital Interventions, Dr. Bethan Davies & Dr. Aislinn Bergin, of NIRH Mindtech, talk to freelance journalist Jo Carlowe about how these innovations can have a positive effect on young people’s mental health.

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  • Comorbid anxiety disorder has a protective effect in conduct disorder

    The presence of comorbid anxiety disorders (ADs) counteracts the effects of conduct disorder (CD) on facial emotion recognition, according to new research by Roxana Short and colleagues.

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  • Child anxiety could be factor in school absences, research concludes

    New research has concluded that anxiety can be a factor in poor school attendance among children and young people.

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  • Guest blog on sleep and mental health

    Sleep and Mental Health

    Dr Sally Hobson, Specialty Community Paediatrician, Evelina Children’s Secondary Community Sleep Clinic on the relationship between sleep and mental health.

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  • Most Cited JCPP Articles #2 of 60

    Most cited JCPP papers #2 of 60: Twenty years’ research on peer victimization and psychosocial maladjustment: A meta-analytic review of cross-sectional studies

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  • Exciting opportunity to engage in pioneering anxiety/depression research

    Depression and anxiety (including OCD and other related disorders) are common but complex disorders whose research needs very large sample sizes. The Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD) study launched September 2018 and aims to recruit >40,000 individuals.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Anxiety

    We spoke to Professor Cathy Creswell about some of the barriers to support for children with anxiety, the Anxiety and Depression in Young people research clinic, and her role as the lead for the Emerging Minds: Action for Child Mental Health research network.

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  • Anxiety Edition – foreword by Dr Mark Lovell

    This edition of The Bridge covers the topic of anxiety. Owing to anxiety being common, with all of us experiencing a state of anxiety at some time and many also having trait anxiety, it is no surprise that ACAMH’s two main academic outputs the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Mental Health contain some good quality research on anxiety advancing our knowledge of the science and evidence based practice.

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  • Adult ABMT protocols need adapting for effective use in children

    Attention bias modification treatment (ABMT) aims to target attention biases in threat processing in patients with anxiety1. While ABMT seems to be effective in adults with social anxiety disorder (SAD),2,3 its effect in youths with SAD and the potential treatment moderators are unclear. In 2016, Lee Pergamin-Hight and colleagues conducted a randomised controlled trial to explore the efficacy of ABMT in youths and the influence of possible moderators of treatment outcomes.

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