Eating Disorders: A Concern for All
Did you know that approximately 22% of children and adolescents worldwide show disordered eating? Eating Disorders Awareness Week (24 February – 2 March 2025) is an opportunity to improve awareness that anyone can have an eating disorder and explore the impact that eating disorders can have on children and young people.
This Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we encourage you to explore the FREE learning opportunities available on our website and ACAMH Learn, and to share with your networks.
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Treatment-seeking for eating disorders among adolescents: Implications for mental health literacy campaigns
Eating disorders commonly occur during adolescence, however, only a minority (10-25%) of affected adolescents receive appropriate treatment.
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Eating Disorders
Eating disorders: an introduction to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders. From this topic guide, you can find the latest blogs, events, publications, videos and podcasts.
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