impaired academic functioning

  • Jacalyn Guy

    Dimensions of cognition, behaviour, and mental health in struggling learners: A spotlight on girls

    Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – “Gender biases to stereotypically male behaviours are prevalent among practitioners, even when the focus is on identifying cognitive and learning difficulties. This underscores the need to include cognitive and female-representative criteria in diagnostic systems to identify girls whose difficulties could go easily undetected.” Jacalyn Guy (pic) et al.

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  • Dr. Joey Frederick

    Prospective association between evening circadian preference and academic functioning in adolescents: the role of daytime sleepiness

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – “There is growing evidence for the role of circadian factors in adolescents’ sleep and academic adjustment, with greater evening preference being linked to poorer academic functioning. However, studies have yet to evaluate this association prospectively in adolescence, nor have studies examined daytime sleepiness as a putative mechanism linking evening preference to poor academic functioning”. Joseph W. Fredrick (pic) et al.

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  • rosa_cheesman

    How interactions between ADHD and schools affect educational achievement: a family-based genetically sensitive study

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – “We linked data on ADHD symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity and parent–child ADHD polygenic scores (PGS) from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) to achievement in standardised tests and school identifiers. We estimated interactions of schools with individual differences between students in inattention, hyperactivity, and ADHD-PGS using multilevel models with random slopes for ADHD effects on achievement over schools”. Rosa Cheesman (pic), et al.

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  • Early ASD intervention promotes academic achievement

    Rigorous screening for learning difficulties is required for adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as a significant minority of affected individuals with average cognitive skills show academic delays, according to a new study.

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  • ADHD teen

    ADHD – Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder

    ADHD is a behavioural disorder with three key aspects, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

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  • Depressed teen girl


    Depression is common in children and young people, particularly in adolescence and among girls. On average, an episode of depression lasts for about eight months and often occurs alongside non-depressive conditions such as ADHD.

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  • happy young girl painted hands up to face

    Intellectual Disabilities

    Many terms have been used to describe an intellectual disability (ID) or medical conditions linked to an ID. Some terms that were originally designed to describe levels of intellectual disability or specific medical conditions, have unfortunately become part of common derogatory language used within society and so have become insults.

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