
  • Zoe R. Smith

    Inclusion and Advocacy for Women with ADHD: Addressing Inequities and Challenging Diagnostic Bias on International Women’s Day

    March 8th, 2024 is International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is “Inspire Inclusion.” Unfortunately, women who hold multiple intersecting identities that are systemically oppressed world-wide are often excluded from discussions. One example includes women who are neurodiverse, and more specifically for this post, women with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Women and non-binary folks are often excluded from appropriate diagnosis of ADHD due to bias in providers, boy/men-dominated symptoms in the DSM-5 (Barkley, 2023; Hinshaw et al., 2021), socialization to mask and internalize symptoms, and sexism and other forms of discrimination. As with most discrimination, this is even worse for women with ADHD who also hold other systemically oppressed identities. This blog will focus on how to increase equity for women with ADHD with concrete solutions for multiples systems that affect them.

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  • Can boosting physical activity improve ADHD symptoms in preschoolers?

     “Our study findings highlight the possibility that MVPA might be a tool that can be used to reduce preschoolers’ ADHD behaviours and associated impairments, especially for young children at risk for ADHD” Betsy Hoza.

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  • Emotional impulsivity and deficient emotional self-regulation might be core symptoms of ADHD

    A large proportion of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit notable emotion-related problems (or “emotional symptoms”). These emotional symptoms seem to associate with poor quality of life, impaired social adjustment and reduced marital status.

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  • Most Cited JCPP Articles #58 of 60

    Most cited JCPP papers #58 of 60: Psychological mechanisms in hyperactivity: I response inhibition deficit, working memory impairment, delay aversion, or something else?

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  • ADHD teen

    ADHD – Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder

    ADHD is a behavioural disorder with three key aspects, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

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