
  • JCPP Editorial: Volume 62, Issue 06, June 2021

    Editorial: “Is there a core deficit in specific learning disabilities?” by Arne Lervåg

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  • JCPP Annual Research Review Editorial: Volume 62, Issue 05, May 2021

    Editorial: “‘In our time’: Has the pandemic changed the way we write and read mental health and neurodevelopmental disorder research reviews?” by Sara R. Jaffee

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  • Prabha Chouina

    DOI for ACAMH

    From April 2021 all content published on the ACAMH website will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier, or a DOI.

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  • JCPP Editorial: Volume 62, Issue 04, April 2021

    “‘The early bird catches the worm’—the need for even earlier intervention and targeted prevention for mental illnesses” by Helen L. Fisher

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  • Mental Health in schools: learning lessons from the past

    Whilst the pandemic may be a contributory factor, the increase in mental health problems from one in eight to one in six between 2017 and today is alarming and needs addressing urgently. Unfortunately, it seems that recent changes in education have impacted negatively YP emotional wellbeing.

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  • Professor Henrik Larsson

    JCPP Advances Editorial: Volume 01, Issue 01, April 2021

    “Addressing the knowledge gaps in child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry.” by Henrik Larsson

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  • Finding strength from a bleak year

    Professor Andrea Danese explains about the KeepCool project.

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  • March 2021 – The Bridge

    This issue includes an excellent article on mood disorders in autistic young people, written by experts Dr Emily Jackson, Dr Eleanor Smith, and Dr Aditya Sharma. The authors thoughtfully discuss the overlap between these conditions, challenges in identifying their co-occurrence, and adaptations needed for interventions.

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  • Professor Joan Asarnow

    Dr. Joan Asarnow

    Dr. Joan Asarnow is a Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA and Director of a SAMHSA-funded Center for Trauma-Informed Suicide, Self-Harm, and Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention (ASAP Center, with Co-Director Dr. David-Goldston) which offers trainings, consultation, and technical assistance on trauma-informed approaches to evaluation and treatment for reducing suicide and self-harm risk.

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  • Dr Helen Fisher

    Dr. Helen Fisher

    “It is an absolute honour to be joining the prestigious JCPP team as a specialist editor for psychosis. Psychotic phenomena are surprisingly common during childhood and adolescence and deserve greater research and clinical attention. I’m excited to have the opportunity to read and encourage submissions to JCPP on the aetiology, phenomenology, prevention, and treatment of psychosis during these key stages of development.”

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