Case series

  • Language impairment needs more recognition in the juvenile justice system

    Language and communication impairments in adolescents in custody is much higher than in the general population, estimates range from 60-90% compared to 7-12%. A study from Nathan Hughes and colleagues has investigated co-morbidity of language difficulties in a cohort of 93 young male offenders (15-18 years) held in a secure custodial facility in the UK.

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  • Clinical characteristics of adolescents referred for treatment of depressive disorders

    Low mood and depression often emerge during adolescence and are associated with long-term difficulties including increased risk of developing other mental health disorders, educational underachievement, low income/unemployment, and risk of suicidal behaviour.

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  • What makes an autistic child socially successful?

    Although many studies document the ways in which children with ASD differ from typically developing children, few have highlighted the strengths and abilities of children with ASD.

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  • Diagnostic framework for attachment disorders needs improving

    Reactive and Disinhibited Attachment Disorders (RAD and DAD) occur when infants and young children have not been able to form an attachment to their primary caregiver, but questions have been raised as to whether these disorders are being over-diagnosed in adopted children.

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  • Processing speed determines dyslexia risk

    Males exhibit a lower average reading performance than females, according to new data from Anne Arnett and colleagues. The researchers devised a framework to first validate the apparent sex difference in prevalence of dyslexia and then determine which cognitive correlates may underlie this difference.

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