
  • Pauline Thibaut

    University Students and Imposterism: Its Relationship with Happiness, Self-Efficacy, and Perfectionism

    Imposter syndrome is a pertinent issue in academia. A recent article from May 2023 titled “The imposter phenomenon and its relationship with self-efficacy, perfectionism and happiness in university students” (Pákozdy et al., 2023) sheds light on this pressing issue. This blog aims to summarise the key findings of the article, discuss its strengths and limitations, evaluate its evidence, and provide a personal perspective on how this evidence can inform practice and future research.

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  • Celebrating the Future of CAMH: ACAMH Awards 2024 Long list

    It is our pleasure to announce the long list of nominees for the 2024 ACAMH Awards. Congratulations to all the 2024 nominees.

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  • Katherine Venturo-Conerly

    Psychotherapies seem to be especially effective in low- and middle-income countries

    Youth psychotherapies appear to be about twice as effective in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) compared to high-income countries. However, disproportionately little research on youth psychotherapies has been conducted in LMICs; 90% of the world’s youth live in LMICs, but only 5% of randomized controlled trials of youth psychotherapies have been conducted in LMICs to date. Therefore, there is great need for more research on psychotherapies for youth in LMICs and for funding directed to LMIC-based investigators, clinicians, and organizations. We do not know why psychotherapies appear more effective in LMICs, but discovering why could help to identify ways of improving youth psychotherapies worldwide.

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  • What are the mental health impacts of school anxiety and emotional based school avoidance (EBSA)?

    EBSA refers to severe difficulty attending school due to emotional factors. It’s estimated to affect 1-5% of school-age children and is more prevalent in secondary schools. This blog explores the mental health consequences of these issues.

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  • Teenage girl sitting on armchair and listening to advice of psychologist

    Sexual Abuse in Children and Young People: Evidence-Based Approaches

    This blog explores evidence-based approaches to prevent and intervene in cases of sexual abuse and harmful sexual behavior among children and young people.

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  • Photo,Of,Little,Brunet,Boy,Wear,Green,T-shirt,Isolated,On

    Tourette Syndrome: Improve Quality of Life and Reduce Misconceptions

    This Tourettes Awareness Day (7 June) we encourage you to explore the FREE learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks. Together we can work towards ‘sharing best evidence, improving practice’ to highlight the impact Tourettes can have on those with the condition and those around them.

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  • Child cuddling dad

    How’s your day been?

    If you’re living, teaching, or working with an autistic teenager, you’ve probably, at some point said ‘Uplifting’. ‘Hilarious’. ‘Rewarding’. You’ve also most likely said something like; ‘Challenging’. ‘A struggle’. ‘Testing’. 

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  • Dimitris Tsomokos

    Chronotype and Depression in Adolescence

    We know that there is a bidirectional association between sleep duration/quality and depressive symptoms in youth. In adult populations depressive symptoms and circadian rhythms (sleep chronotype) have also been linked. In this paper, we established an association between chronotype and depressive symptoms in middle adolescence, independently of poor sleep and prior mental health difficulties.

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  • journal covers camh

    CAMH Journal 2024 Special Issue – ‘Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Child and Adolescent Mental Health’

    The Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) Journal are delighted to announce the CAMH 2024 Special Issue on ‘Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Child and Adolescent Mental Health’, edited by Cornelius Ani, Bolanle Ola, Matthew Hodes, and Valsamma Eapen.

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  • Autism Acceptance Week 2024

    Breaking Down Barriers and Improving Understanding – Autism Acceptance Week 2024

    This World Autism Acceptance Week (2 April to 8 April 2024), we encourage you to explore the FREE learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks.

    Together we can work towards ‘sharing best evidence, improving practice’ to help create a society that works for autistic children and young people.

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