ACAMH Website Content Types

  • Effects of development must be considered when examining interpretation bias in children with anxiety

    Anxiety is often treated using interventions that target interpretation bias, but the link between interpretation bias and anxiety in children is unclear. Now, in a Research Review published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Suzannah Stuijfzand and colleagues have performed a meta-analysis of the literature to establish whether this association in children really does exist.

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  • Negative interpretation bias in adolescents with subclinical social anxiety disorder

    Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a marked fear or anxiety of social situations where an individual may be exposed to possible scrutiny by others. Now, Yura Loscalzo and colleagues have examined the contribution of different components of interpretation bias — a model proposed to explain SAD whereby affected individuals systematically assign a threatening meaning to an objectively ambiguous stimulus with several possible interpretations.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Our Time

    At the recent Parental Mental Illness Masterclass led by charity Our Time, ACAMH CEO, Martin Pratt, caught up with the speakers, Dr Alan Cooklin, Jess Streeting and Kirsty Taha-Wraith, to discuss the impact of parental mental health and what Our Time’s interventions mean for young people.

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  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder with Dr Bruce Clarke and Dr Amita Jassi

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a common, yet typically under-recognised and challenging to treat condition. Dr Bruce Clarke and Dr Amita Jassi highlight the common issues clinicians face when assessing and treating BDD and how to overcome these. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… How using personalised goals in therapy will change your life

    Dr Duncan Law discusses the importance of everyday participation and improving the therapeutic alliance by collaboratively creating goals ahead of his talk at the Inaugural  Judy Dunn National Conference on Making Child and Family Therapies More Effective.

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  • ‘Neurodevelopmental Disorders’ – Foreword from Guest Editor Dr Mark Lovell

    This edition of The Bridge concentrates on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Research, particularly on treatments in children within the neurodevelopmental arenas is limited and in many ways behind general mental health research for children or adults.

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  • Children with ASD show intact statistical word learning

    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and specific language impairment (SLI) exhibit word-learning difficulties early in childhood development.

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  • Early speech sound disorder alone confers a low risk on reading difficulties

    Early speech sound disorder (SSD) combined with other risk factors, such as language impairment (LI) and dyslexia, can have negative consequences on literacy development, according to new research from Marianna Hayiou-Thomas and colleagues.

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  • Machine learning improves ADI-R efficiency

    Early interventions in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are essential to improve communication and behavioural skills in affected children. Now, researchers have used machine learning to derive new instrument algorithms that may help practitioners screen for autism more efficiently and effectively.

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  • Routine screening is needed to identify language problems in children with ADHD

    In 2017, Emma Sciberras and colleagues conducted a Research Review for the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry to rigorously analyse how common are language problems in children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Here, the researchers discuss their main findings and explain why they consider that a screen for language function would be a valuable addition to current ADHD assessments.

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