
  • self harm image of teen, not self harming

    NICE guidelines for self-harm: a new school of thought

    New NICE guidelines for the management of self-harm in the UK emphasise the important role of non-specialists. In this article, Holly Crudgington and Dennis Ougrin discuss this guidance, focusing on the new advice for schools and its implications.

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  • What CAMH Professionals Need to Know About Student Mental Health

    On University Mental Health Day, Rhiannon Hawkins discusses several factors that impact on university students’ mental health, and she explains her top tips for clinician actions to address these factors and improve mental healthcare for university students.

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  • Professor Barry Carpenter OBE, CBE

    Improving research-informed practice in schools

    We have recently launched an initiative aimed at teachers, to enable schools to access and put to use resources that can genuinely make a difference to the mental wellbeing and educational outcomes of young people.

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  • Neurodevelopmental series

    ‘NDC Learning Series’ – NDCs in schools – recording (members)

    We welcomed Dr. James Galpin with a session that focused on ‘NDCs in schools’. The Chair of this session was Dr. Mark Lovell. This was the fourth of the ‘NDC Learning Series’ aimed at health professionals who come into contact with children and young people who have Neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs). ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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  • rd-bridge-tools-helping-school-against-self-harm

    How effective are tools to help school staff better respond to young people who self-harm?

    Aureliane Pierret and colleagues at the University of Cambridge carried out a systematic review into the effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability of interventions and tools to support school staff to better respond to young people who disclose self-harm.

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  • rd-bridge-autistic-girls-talk-differently

    Do autistic girls talk differently about social groups?

    New data, published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, suggest that pronoun use during natural conversation might inform us about clinically meaningful social function.

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  • Mental Health in schools: learning lessons from the past

    Whilst the pandemic may be a contributory factor, the increase in mental health problems from one in eight to one in six between 2017 and today is alarming and needs addressing urgently. Unfortunately, it seems that recent changes in education have impacted negatively YP emotional wellbeing.

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  • February 2021 – The Bridge

    This issue of The Bridge includes several articles which focus on child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This therapy aims to help young people, their families, or their support networks to better understand each young person’s emotions, behaviour, and relationships.

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  • Reflections on working psychotherapeutically in schools

    One of the greatest challenges in my experience of working psychotherapeutically in schools has been in trying to balance the increasing complexity of children’s mental health needs with the reduction in funding and therefore time frame in which to work.

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  • Most popular ACAMH web content 2020

    As 2020 draws to a close we have collated the most popular online content, from our website.

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