
  • Schools need more specialist support

    Schools have a central role in supporting young people with mental health problems, but the level of and type of support available to affected students is unclear. A convenience sample survey of 577 school staff from 341 schools in England has shed light on this issue.

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  • Worth-it: focussing on positive mental health, resilience and wellbeing interventions

    ‘Worth-it’ is a social enterprise dedicated to delivering resilience and wellbeing intervention programmes to children in schools. The interventions and training courses are underpinned by the principles of ‘Positive Psychology’ which is defined as the scientific study of positive human functioning.

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  • Supporting Mental Health in Schools and Colleges – a summary of UK Department of Education’s report

    In a 2017 summary report*, the UK Department of Education set out the findings of its research into what English schools and colleges are currently doing to support students with mental health needs and their efforts to promote positive mental health and wellbeing amongst pupils, and their experiences of putting such provisions into practice.

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  • Positive news on the Peer Education Project

    A new school-based programme by the Mental Health Foundation called the Peer Education Project (PEP) has been making leaps and bounds in tackling rising issues with mental health in young people.

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  • Barriers to sharing information with schools

    A recent study by Tania Hart and Michelle O’Reilly has found that the exchange of information between Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and schools needs improving to sufficiently support the educational needs of young people with emotional mental health difficulties.

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  • Steve Rippin

    Autumn was glorious

    ‘Make mental health education compulsory in primary and secondary schools’ was the focus of a welcome and topical debate in the House of Commons on the 6 November.
    Disclaimer: This is an independent blog and ACAMH may not necessarily hold the same views.

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  • Guest Blog

    The inclusive nature of bereavement – all children grieve

    Individuals with special educational needs and disabilities are also affected by bereavement, including children with the severest SEND.

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  • Mental health in schools

    “Sometimes you feel like a volcano erupting,” one eight-year-old boy told us, “but if you come to Place2Be, you can cool down.”

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  • science pupils

    Be true to your school

    As the start of the academic year, Steve Rippin reflects on CAMHS in schools.

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  • Two girls talking to one another

    Jack Tizard Memorial Lecture and Conference 2017: Conference Resources

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