Parenting & Family

  • February 2020 issue – The Bridge attachment edition

    This edition of The Bridge features paternal attachment, early caregiving, disinhibited social engagement behaviour, adolescent security and a parent’s perspective on attachment and adoption.

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  • Insecure paternal attachment contributes to childhood anxiety

    A recent study has investigated the direct and indirect relationships between parent–child attachment and negative parental behaviours exhibited by mothers and fathers, individually, in a sample of children with clinical anxiety.

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  • Insecure paternal attachment confers a high cost on society

    Youth that exhibit antisocial behaviours can impose a high cost on society due to the need for health, social and economic support in adulthood. Now, researchers have studied whether insecure attachment underlying antisocial behaviour contributes to or even adds to these costs.

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  • December 2019 issue – The Bridge

    Summaries include; if parental consanguinity predicts the severity of Autistic symptoms; study the transmission of intergenerational anxiety in families; systematic review into the effectiveness of available interventions to treat PTSD; the efficacy of teacher assessments vs exams to assess performance in UK schools; relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and extreme demand avoidance in young people with Autism; and how fluctuations in external environmental noise affect the developing Autonomic Nervous System in babies.

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  • Why it’s good to ban smacking

    I remember going to an international conference on child abuse and neglect many years ago and thinking before I went, that the UK was pretty far ahead in terms of the services we offer. I was shocked when one presentation went through some of the evidence on how smacking is related to physical abuse, and how many countries in the world allowed it.

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  • Child anxiety symptoms affect mothers via an environmental mechanism

    Intergenerational anxiety associations in families are well reported, but the underlying mechanisms of anxiety transmission are unclear. Now, researchers in the UK and the USA have conducted the first genetically sensitive study to explore the effects of genetic and environmental anxiety transmission in families during middle childhood.

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  • The Bridge front cover Parental Mental illness

    Parental Mental Illness Special Edition

    Welcome to The Bridge. In this edition we focus on parental mental illness and its effect on children. This is published in advance of the ACAMH conference “Parental Mental Illness – Supporting children and young people who live with a parent with a mental illness”.

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  • The Bridge front cover Parental Mental illness

    Parental Mental Illness Edition Editorial

    In this edition we focus on parental mental illness and its effect on children. This is published in advance of the ACAMH conference “Parental Mental Illness – Supporting children and young people who live with a parent with a mental illness”.

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  • Prof. Stephen Scott

    Prof. Stephen Scott – Parenting

    Professor Stephen Scott talks about using parenting as an intervention in young people’s mental health and future prospects. The discussion includes the latest research on parenting programmes, insecure attachment and digital interventions.

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  • Parental Mental Illness Guest Editorial by Dympna Cunnane

    Most developed countries recognise the children of parents with a mental illness as an at-risk group, who benefit from early intervention to prevent them continuing the intergenerational cycle of mental illness.

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