Parenting & Family

  • A harsh parenting team?

    Guest blog from Dr Rachel Latham, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London on whether high quality coparenting can buffer children’s behaviour from the negative impact of harsh parenting.

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  • madeline marczak

    ‘The costs of Conduct Disorder and evidence for parenting interventions’ Madeline Marczak

    Madeline Marczak on ‘The costs of Conduct Disorder and evidence for parenting interventions’. Recorded on 19 April 2019 at the North West ACAMH Branch as part of a conference on Conduct Disorder. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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  • Conduct Disorder

    In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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  • Rumination affects mother–infant interactions

    In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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  • journal covers-JCPP

    JCPP Annual Research Review

    Free access to the articles included in the JCPP Annual Research Review, “Reimagining the environment in developmental psychopathology: from molecules to effective treatments”, until June 2018.

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  • Parents with BD receive online support

    The value of a unique interactive, web-based resource that provides psychoeducational and parenting information for patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and young children has been supported by promising results of a randomised, controlled pilot trial.

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  • Changing perceptions on technological therapy

    Educating parents in computer-based therapies for youths with mental health disorders may improve uptake of this therapeutic modality by affected families.

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  • Guest Blog

    How do new family forms affect children’s mental health?

    New family forms, including single-parent households, gay or lesbian parents, and those with children born through assisted reproduction methods like IVF and surrogacy, are becoming ever more common. Professor Susan Golombok, Director of the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge, elaborates on the impacts of these family forms on children’s mental health.

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  • Help the parents, help the child: Developing support for parents of burn-injured children

    Whilst many burns are minor and treated by front line NHS services, approximately 500 children under the age of 16 are admitted to hospital for specialist care every year in the UK.
    Disclaimer: This is an independent blog and ACAMH may not necessarily hold the same views.

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  • Telephone support for parents in ADHD

    Due to its high prevalence, treating ADHD can place a burden on services. Self-help and remote interventions could offer a way to deliver treatment at scale, if they’re effective.

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