Parenting & Family

  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Our Time

    At the recent Parental Mental Illness Masterclass led by charity Our Time, ACAMH CEO, Martin Pratt, caught up with the speakers, Dr Alan Cooklin, Jess Streeting and Kirsty Taha-Wraith, to discuss the impact of parental mental health and what Our Time’s interventions mean for young people.

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  • Getting help with parenting makes a difference – at any age

    Parenting interventions for helping children with behavioural problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children, according to new Oxford University research.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Parental Mental Illness

    In this podcast, Dr Alan Cooklin and Jessica Streeting discuss the impact of parental mental illness, how family psychiatry has developed, how everyone has a key role to play, and the power of explanation and understanding as a protective intervention.

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  • Stephen Scott

    Child to Parent Violence

    Professor Stephen Scott responds to the ITV news’ story about child to parent violence. It was based on a report published on 11 July called Let’s Talk About: Child to Parent Violence and Aggression by the authors Dr Wendy Thorley and Al Coates MBE.

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  • Gordon Harold

    The Olympics’ loss is psychology’s gain

    Discover what was Professor Gordon Harold’s somewhat unlikely start in psychology.

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  • Navigating an unfamiliar world: how parents of young people that self-harm experience support and treatment

    Participants described a range of reactions to treatment and support for themselves and the young person.  We identified three main themes: attitudes towards the young person, practical aspects of help and the need for parents to be involved.   

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Professor Kathy Sylva

    Hear from Professor Kathy Sylva OBE on her research which has explored early education and children’s development, parenting interventions, and the impact of children’s centres on families.

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  • Parents should keep talking to boost infant language development

    Children from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds tend to have poorer language skills when starting school than those from higher SES backgrounds. Now, data shows that increasing the amount of “contingent talk”— whereby a caregiver talks about objects that an infant is directly focusing on — within an infant’s first year of life promotes a wide vocabulary later in infancy.

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  • mum with toddler on knee


    Parenting: an introduction to the importance of parenting for children and young people’s mental health and the effectiveness of parenting interventions. From this topic guide, you can find the latest blogs, events, publications, videos and podcasts.

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  • Can we improve attachment or attachment-related outcomes in young children?

    Summary of attachment-related research, interventions and outcomes from Professor Jane Barlow, ex-Editor-in-Chief of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal.

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