Looked after children
Foster care promotes adaptive functioning in early adolescence among children who experienced severe, early deprivation.
Experiences in our early life can have long-term consequences on development. Children who have experienced severe deprivation, in the form of institutional care (orphanages), are at greater risk to experience a range of social, emotional, and cognitive difficulties. In fact, much of the research tracing long-term consequences of early adversity have come from a deficit model (i.e., “what goes wrong for those with negative experiences”).
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In Conversation… Professor Helen Minnis discusses attachment
Professor Minnis discusses her current innovative research with the BeST? Study, which aims to find out what is the best service for young abused and neglected pre-school children coming into foster care.
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Sleep partially mediates the link between adverse childhood experiences and delinquency
A recent study has now investigated the mechanisms underlying the apparent link between ACEs and high rates of delinquency in children in foster care, with a specific focus on sleep.
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A cup half full or half empty? A reflection on 15 years working with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the UK
“It has been 15 years now that I have been working within the field of specialist diagnosis and behavioural management of individuals with FASD. At this point in my journey, as well as the journey of FASD diagnostic services in the UK, it felt like a good time to step sideways and reflect on how far we had come and where we still have yet to go.”
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Child to Parent Violence
Professor Stephen Scott responds to the ITV news’ story about child to parent violence. It was based on a report published on 11 July called Let’s Talk About: Child to Parent Violence and Aggression by the authors Dr Wendy Thorley and Al Coates MBE.
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The disposition of an infant or young child to identify and interact with the person or small set of persons considered most likely to provide them with care and protection is known as attachment.
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Adoption and attachment: A parent’s perspective
Guest blog from Dr Taylor: “I am grateful for the opportunity to recount my experience of inviting a traumatised child into my family. If I can persuade those working in children’s services to change this experience, even for just one family, I will have achieved something worthwhile.”
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Detaching RAD from DSED: the rationale and research requirements
In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.Read moreCurrent members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.
In Conversation… Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
Renowned clinical psychologist, Kim Golding, discusses how Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy can support developmentally traumatised children and their parents, as well as how support for adopted children has changed in the UK over the years.
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CAMH Editorial: Volume 20, Issue 4, November 2015
“Looked-after children – a perspective into a more resilient future” by Carmen Pinto & Matt Woolgar.
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