ACAMH audience
The Risks and Benefits of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents
This talk will explore the burgeoning use of social media by adolescents in today’s society.
- Event type
- Talk with Q&A
- Location
Words Matter: Understanding, Impact, and Prevention of Childhood Verbal Abuse
Set of three webinars on Childhood Verbal Abuse (CVA). This is characterised by adults shouting, yelling, denigrating, and verbally threatening the child. These types of adult actions can be as damaging to a child’s development as other currently recognized and forensically established subtypes of maltreatment such as childhood physical and sexual abuse.
- Event type
- 3 x90min webinars
- Location
20th Century Lead Exposure Damaged American Mental Health
Pernicious lead exposure in air, water, soils cost 151 million Americans some well-being.
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Press release by Duke University for new paper published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry by Michael J. McFarland et al. -
Responding to sibling sexual abuse – putting research into action
This workshop will outline current knowledge and evidence in the sibling sexual abuse field and look at how that knowledge can be used to inform how we positively support a family’s journey, from identification of harm, safety planning and assessment, through to therapeutic intervention, case closure and aftercare support
- Event type
- Live Stream
- Location
Breaking the Silence: A different way to work alongside young people in practice and research
How are children and young people getting on in the UK? Studies suggest that the school system is a significant negative factor in the lives of many of our CYP. Whilst some enjoy school, many others experience it as psychologically harmful and this is reported, consistently, by young people and families. Despite this, CYP have almost no say in the structures and aims of education and their voices are silent when it comes to implementing national policies. In response, the social enterprise States of Mind launched the Breaking the Silence project, in partnership with the Institute of Education, UCL, focusing on co-creating new insights and solutions around education and mental health through Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR).
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The Emotional Toll of Insider Qualitative Research
In this blog, Tavgah Jafar explores the emotional challenges of insider qualitative research, drawing from their personal experiences. Tavgah reflects on the unexpected emotional impact and share lessons learned, alongside practical advice for new researchers to manage these challenges.
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Boreout in Early Career Researchers: Recognising and Addressing the Hidden Workplace Challenge
Boreout is a workplace issue characterised by low engagement, lack of meaning, and limited growth opportunities (Rothlin & Werder, 2008), and can affect anyone in the workforce, including early career researchers. This blog explores how boreout can impact mental health professionals, especially those new to academia, and provides practical strategies for preventing it. Understanding boreout is essential for mental health practitioners and researchers to maintain both personal well-being and career fulfilment.
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Why I didn’t send my child back to school after the pandemic: The Rise in Home Education
‘Why I didn’t send my child back to school after the pandemic: The Rise in Home Education’ will be led by Tami Alikhani. This is webinar is organised by ACAMH’s Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Special Interest Group.
- Event type
- Talk with Q&A
- Location
Encouraging the next generation of CAMHS researchers: an event dedicated to ECRs
The webinar is tailored specifically for those in the early stages of their career. This session is perfect for medical students, psychology and nursing students seeking their first research experience, and undergraduates transitioning to Masters or PhD programs.
- Event type
- Webinar
- Location
Story Stems – a window into a child’s internal world
This webinar will cover the Story Stem Assessment Profile (SSAP) and its use as an assessment of a child’s attachment and internal representations. The SSAP consists of 13 narrative stems, to which the child provides their own story completions; information is thus gained directly from the child in a non-threatening context.
- Event type
- Webinar
- Location