Genetic Influences on Sibling Bullying and Mental Health Difficulties

Duration: 18 mins Publication Date: 24 Jun 2024 Next Review Date: 24 Jun 2027 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.28979


Dr. Umar Toseeb discusses his JCPP paper ‘Genetic influences on sibling bullying and mental health difficulties’.

Learning Objectives

1. Insight into the dataset used in the study (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children). 2. The reason behind the focus on sibling bullying and the prevalence rates of sibling bullying.
3. Sibling bullying and genetic risk for mental health difficulties as additively associated with mental health difficulties.
4. The lack of moderation effect of genetic risk for mental health difficulties on the relationship between sibling bullying and mental health difficulties.
5. Insight into the ‘Diathesis stress model’.
6. Sibling bullying and mental health difficulties as co-occurring, in part, due to shared genetic influences.
7. Potential implications of the research.

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