Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): Psychological Interventions and Outcomes

Duration: 29 mins Publication Date: 28 Feb 2024 Next Review Date: 28 Feb 2027 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.26496


In this In Conversation podcast, we are joined by Dr. Emma Willmott and Dr. Tom Jewell, from the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and King’s College London, to discuss their recently published scoping review on psychological interventions for Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). This is the second episode of a two-part series on ARFID with Dr. Emma Willmott and Dr. Tom Jewell. Episode One explores ‘Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): Prevalence and Implications’.

Learning Objectives

1. The main aims of the review into psychological interventions for ARFID.
2. How many studies were identified and the main findings.
3. Different intervention modalities for ARFID.
4. The lack of consistency when measuring change in patients with ARFID and how best to measure recovery for patients with ARFID.
5. Recommendations on next steps to advance knowledge of ARFID and effective treatments.
6. Advice and resources for non-specialist eating disorder clinicians.

About this Lesson

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