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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Professor Barry Carpenter OBE, CBE

    Improving research-informed practice in schools

    We have recently launched an initiative aimed at teachers, to enable schools to access and put to use resources that can genuinely make a difference to the mental wellbeing and educational outcomes of young people.

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  • Professor Louise Arseneault

    The Catalogue of Mental Health Measures: Discovering the depths of mental health data in UK longitudinal studies – recording

    Professor Louise Arseneault, and Bridget Bryan, explained how and use, the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures, an interactive catalogue of mental health and wellbeing measures in British cohort and longitudinal studies. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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  • girl holding teddy bear

    Supporting children and families experiencing domestic violence: A Devon and Cornwall perspective – Recording

    During the covid-19 pandemic, increasing incidents of domestic violence have made national headlines. This event focused on facets of the multidisciplinary approach to supporting affected families, hearing from practitioners, local authority representatives and researchers who work to support children and adolescents who have experienced domestic violence or related trauma, and their families.

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  • Dr. Sundar Gnanavel

    CAMH services, integrative methods, and quality improvement

    In this podcast, we talk to Dr. Sundar Gnanavel, winner of ACAMH’s 2021 Postgraduate Clinical Trainee of the Year Award, about teaching clinical psychiatry, the use of integrative methods, CAMH services, and quality improvements.

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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Children’s Mental Health Week 2022

    The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Growing Together’. Our Vision is ‘Sharing best evidence, improving practice’, and to this end we urge you to take a look at the learning opportunities on our website and to share with your networks.

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  • ACEs Sig Logo

    The future of research on Adverse Childhood Experiences: a panel discussion

    Our Special Interest Group on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) launches with a FREE online panel discussion, and audience Q & A, discussing and identifying the key priorities for future research on ACEs. You do not have to be a member of our ACEs SIG to attend.

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  • International Women's Day

    Breaking the Bias: Celebrating Women in CAMH

    This International Women’s Day, ACAMH is proud to present a FREE event celebrating women’s achievements in CAMH, and exploring how gender bias affects CAMH professionals. A panel, chaired by Professor Bernadka Dubicka, will explore the challenges women have faced in the CAMH profession, examine how gender bias affects CAMH professionals, and celebrate women’s achievements. Panel; Dr. Gordana Milavić, Professor Francesca Happé, Professor Kathy Sylva OBE, Dr. Rhonda Boyd, Dr. Praveetha Patalay, Dr. Yasmin Ahmadzadeh, Bethany Cliffe, Clara Faria, and Gloria Cheung.

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  • Professor Catherine Ward

    Parenting for lifelong health for young children

    In this podcast, we talk to Professor Catherine Ward, winner of ACAMH’s Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Journal Best Paper Award 2021, about her research into parenting for lifelong health for young children.

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  • Professor Mina Fazel

    Mental Health Conditions in Young People: Prevalence, Shifts & Support – Ask the Expert

    Professor Mina Fazel joins us for the fourth in the series of sessions exclusively for Teachers. This FREE online event is an exciting new partnership between ACAMH and Coram Life Education (CLE) exclusively for Teachers. It offers insights into the latest evidence-base, together with practical advice to help you help your pupils, and your own children.

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    Live Stream
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  • Dr. Aisha Sanober Chachar

    Mental Health Inequality, and Disparity, in an Unequal World

    For this podcast, focusing on child and adolescent mental health in an unequal world, we are joined by Dr. Aisha Sanober Chachar, co-founder and Director of Synapse, Pakistan Neuroscience Institute.

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