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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Mental Health Support in a Paediatric Diabetes Clinic

    The importance of supporting children and young people with their mental health, in addition to their physical health condition. Blog by Hetashi Bawa.

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  • Dr. Sinead Rhodes

    In Conversation… ADHD with Dr Sinead Rhodes

    In this podcast, Dr Sinead Rhodes discusses ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorders with freelance journalist Jo Carlowe. Sinead discusses her latest research, cognitive factors underlying mental health and tailored interventions.

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  • Neuroscience Edition

    Welcome to this Neuroscience themed edition of The Bridge.
    The Royal College of Psychiatrists is currently promoting the neurosciences in its curriculum, for training Psychiatrists of the future. One of the many reasons for this is to develop more “Parity of Esteem” between physical and mental health conditions.

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  • Assessment and diagnosis in children with neurodevelopmental problems

    This conference focusses on assessment and diagnosis in children with neurodevelopmental problems, and is delivered by ACAMH’s Neurodevelopmental Special Interest Group (SIG). Neurodevelopmental disorders are a neglected area of mental health practice, little mentioned in recent government policy documents. The evidence base is strong in theory but often hard to put into practice at the […]

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  • Neuroscience Edition Editorial

    Welcome to this Neuroscience themed edition of The Bridge.

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  • Dr. Dasha Nicholls

    In Conversation… Eating Disorders with Dr. Dasha Nicholls

    In this podcast, Dr. Dasha Nicholls talks about eating and feeding disorders in children and young people.

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  • Prof. Edmund Sonuga-Barke

    Professor Edmund Sonuga Barke & JCPP

    Edmund Sonuga Barke, Editor in Chief of JCPP, talks about the papers that influenced him, how JCPP maintains its quality, and what the future holds for JCPP.

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  • Psychotic Experiences: what they are and why we care about them?

    Over the past 20 years, findings from the field of psychosis research have shed new light on the prevalence of PEs among children and adolescents, revealing that about 17% of children and 8% of adolescents report experiences of these phenomena.

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  • Reporting of depression symptoms in children with ADHD: do parents know best?

    ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by hyperactive-impulsiveness and inattention. ADHD often co-occurs with emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety. Depression in particular is prominent amongst adolescents with ADHD, and can be difficult to identify as it can have similar features both to ADHD itself and to some of the side effects of ADHD medication.

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  • Dr Arnon Bentovim

    Interview with Dr. Arnon Bentovim

    Dr Arnon Bentovim, Child and Family Psychiatrist, and founder the Child and Family Practice, talks about child and family training to develop and train evidence-based approaches to assessment, analysis, and intervention.

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