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You searched for: social anxiety
  • JCPP Advances

    JCPP Advances: Volume 02, Issue 04, December 2022

    JCPP Advances December Issue is now available to read.

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  • Tineke Oldehinkel

    Annual Research Review: Stability of psychopathology: lessons learned from longitudinal population survey

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – “Psychopathology has been long recognized as a fluctuating process with various expressions over time, which can only be properly understood if we follow individuals and their social context from childhood up until adulthood”. Albertine J. Oldehinkel (pic) and Johan Ormel

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  • Top 10 Downloaded Journal Papers

    2022 Top 10 Downloaded Journal Papers

    The results are in, and in recognition of the success of our three journals, the JCPP, the CAMH and JCPP Advances, we are proud to present the top 10 most downloaded papers for each journal, published in 2022.

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  • Sad looking teenage girl

    ‘Suicide and self-harm; The Research, The Evidence, The Interventions’ Emanuel Miller Memorial International Online Conference

    Bookings closed. A critical topic that all those working in the field of child and adolescent mental health should know about. Learn about the latest research, the different types of interventions, and the evidence base that supports this.

    Event type
    Emanuel Miller International Conference
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  • Dr. Jessica Hamilton

    Sleep and Daily Suicidal Ideation Among High-Risk Adolescents and Young Adults

    In this podcast, we talk to Dr. Jessica Hamilton and Dr. Peter Franzen about their recent co-authored JCPP paper, ‘Sleep influences daily suicidal ideation through affective reactivity to interpersonal events among high-risk adolescents and young adults’.

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  • journal edits

    ACAMH Editors Once Again are ‘Highly Cited Researchers’

    This is the fifth year that Clarivate™ have identified researchers with cross-field impact in its Highly Cited Researchers™ list of highly cited/influential researchers in the sciences and social sciences from around the world. Over the years ACAMH has seen many of our editors and editorial advisory board members on the list regularly.

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  • Depressed teenager

    Depression: Identifying and Supporting Children and Young People

    This FREE webinar covers an especially important topic, particularly following the pandemic, as children may struggle to articulate how they are feeling, and parents/teachers may not know how to approach the child. It is also important as many people perceive children are resilient and will ‘spring back’, however this view may be harmful for children who need help.

    Event type
    Talk with Q&A
    FREE live stream
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  • Bullying and Mental Health: Impact and Interventions

    14 – 18 November is Anti-Bullying Week. For this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Sînziana Oncioiu, Professor Lucy Bowes and Carolina Guzman Holst to discuss bullying in children and adolescents. Sînziana, Lucy, and Carolina are all members of the Oxford lab of Risk and Resilience, Genes and Environment, known as the oRANGE Lab, at the University of Oxford.

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  • Bullying

    Anti-Bullying Week 2022: A Priority for All

    This Anti-Bullying Week (14 – 18 November), we have gathered a range of FREE learning resources from leading academics, clinicians, and researchers to raise awareness of the impact of bullying on child and adolescent mental health. We encourage you to share with your networks.

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  • Looked after child getting a hug

    Trauma & Looked After Children

    ACAMH in collaboration with Child and Family Training (C&FT) and Improved Futures (IF) present a series of Briefing Seminars on ‘Dealing with distress, restoring well-being, and promoting resilience of Looked After Children and young people who have suffered extensive trauma’.

    Event type
    4 x 2 hour webinars
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