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You searched for: self harm
  • How can we identify and treat Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a mental health condition where a person worries about perceived flaws in their appearance — flaws that are unnoticeable to others, or else appear incredibly slight. It affects people of any age but is most prevalent in teenagers and young adults, and although common, it frequently goes unrecognised or misdiagnosed.

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  • Can this app help autistic people with anxiety?

    Available on the Apple App Store today, Molehill Mountain is the first evidence-led smartphone app aiming to help autistic adults understand and self-manage their own anxiety. The app has been developed by UK research charity Autistica and researchers at King’s College London with input from autistic people. 

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  • Guest Blog

    Loneliness and relationships in young people

    Dr Farhana Mann and Dr Francesca Solmi write about research on isolation and loneliness in young people and how it affects their mental health.

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  • Just one of the challenges for paediatricians

    Before getting involved with ACAMH Max said he was wary of joining a “talking shop” but saw immediately that the organisation was active in engaging the broader mental health community.

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  • Place children and young people at the heart of the strategy – A recent call by a joint UK Select Committee

    In their recent 1st joint Select Committee report, May 2018, the Education, Health and Social Care Committees call upon the government to take a stronger stance on child and adolescent mental health and to join up the appropriate services in a way that places children and young people at the heart of its strategy.

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  • Suicide risk in the young: what, how and who to study

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death in children and adolescents and occurs at a higher rate in this population than in any other age group.

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  • Cover image

    The Attachment Issue

    Blogs about attachment taken from the May 2018 edition of The Bridge, ACAMH’s journal of secondary publication.

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  • What are the barriers to mindfulness for Tourette’s?

    We know that mindfulness and meditation can be of great benefit to people but it is a challenge for those with movement disorders such as Tourette Syndrome.

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  • teen girl purple hair


    Psychotherapies are commonly used therapies for children and young people. They can help children and families understand and resolve problems, change their behaviour and change the way they think and feel about their experiences.

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  • The Attachment Issue

    Welcome to the May 2018 edition of the Bridge. This edition is themed around attachment in young children.

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