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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Guest Blog

    Concerned over Green Paper leaks

    Dr Duncan Law on why he’s left so concerned by the recent leaks from the Children and Young People’s Mental Health (CYPMH) green paper.

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  • Early intervention for teenagers on the autism spectrum

    An emerging initiative for teenagers on the autism spectrum, their parents and siblings, from Dr Bairbre Glynn, Consultant Clinical Psychologist.

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  • Meet the Board

    Dr. Gordana Milavić MD., F.R.C.Psych. – ACAMH Chair  Dr. Milavić is Chair of ACAMH. She is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital, London. She has over 40 years of experience in acute clinical practice, teaching and training. During her career she has been at the forefront of the organisation of mental […]

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  • Meet the Team

    Martin Pratt – CEO As CEO it is my role to create problems for those around me to solve, problems I know will lead to the innovation and creativity required to improve the performance of my organisation. But also to know when to get out of the way of the staff I empower and allow […]

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  • 02

    Child Bereavement

    This conference covered a broad array of child bereavement topics.

    Event type
    Day Conference
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  • Journal cover

    CAMH Editorial: Volume 22, Issue 4, November 2017

    “Global child mental health – emerging challenges and opportunities” by Panos Vostanis.

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  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) Conference – Interviews with Jim Lyng and Stephanie Hastings

    Interviews with Jim Lyng and Stephanie Hastings recorded on 20 October 2017 at the ACAMH Irish Branch conference on DBT.

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  • The Parent Blame Game

    Seventy years ago Leo Kanner published his seminal paper describing autism. In that paper he also coined the term “refrigerator mother” apportioning some of the cause for the distinctive profile of autistic behaviour to cold, harsh parenting practices.

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  • joe elliott slide

    The Dyslexia Debate

    This recording is from Professor Joe Elliot titled ‘The Dyslexia Debate’. It is from the conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’ was held on Friday 29 September 2017, and was organised by the Welsh ACAMH Branch. The day promoted the notion that the assessment of literacy difficulties should be the first step on a clear pathway to individualised interventions for children or young people.

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  • Professor Maggie Snowling

    ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’ interview with Professor Maggie Snowling

    Interview with Professor Maggie Snowling on 29 September 2017, at the Welsh ACAMH Branch conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’.

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