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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Can we improve attachment or attachment-related outcomes in young children?

    Summary of attachment-related research, interventions and outcomes from Professor Jane Barlow, ex-Editor-in-Chief of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal.

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  • Adoption and attachment: A parent’s perspective

    Guest blog from Dr Taylor: “I am grateful for the opportunity to recount my experience of inviting a traumatised child into my family. If I can persuade those working in children’s services to change this experience, even for just one family, I will have achieved something worthwhile.”

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  • A harsh parenting team?

    Guest blog from Dr Rachel Latham, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London on whether high quality coparenting can buffer children’s behaviour from the negative impact of harsh parenting.

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  • Detaching RAD from DSED: the rationale and research requirements

    In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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  • two young teen school girls with books and rucksacks

    School-based interventions

    Children and young people spend a great deal of time at school, so it has an important role to play in their development. Time spent in school impacts not just on academic and cognitive progress, but also on social interactions, peer relationships, emotional regulation and behaviour. All these areas affect, and are affected by, mental health (Fazel et al, 2014).

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  • young girl with pillow standing cant sleep


    Children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health also often struggle with their sleep. Indeed disrupted or altered sleep has been associated with most psychiatric disorders (Gregory & Sadeh, 2016). Although a range of sleep difficulties can co-occur with mental health problems, a common difficulty is insomnia. As such this guidance will primarily focus on difficulties with getting to sleep and staying asleep.

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  • Traumatised young boy


    Most children and young people experience at least one traumatic event before age of 18 years.

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  • Autistica highlights strong evidence for new communication therapy

    Autistica, UK’s autism research charity, are recommending that all local areas should have healthcare professionals accredited to deliver a new form of communication intervention called PACT.

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  • Emanuel Miller Memorial Lecture and Conference 2018 – Focusing on Adolescent Mental Health

    In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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  • Shared decision making in CAMHS

    With Parents in Mind: Can shared decision making support parents at CAMHS?

    Exploring shared decision making as a triad relationship between clinicians, children and parents where clinicians and service users (i.e. children and parents) share the information when faced with the task of making decisions, and where service users are supported to consider options to achieve informed preferences, may be of value.

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