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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Promoting participation to improve mental health outcomes in children aged 11-13 years

    This article is a summary of the paper published in CAMH – Tokolahi, E., Vandal, A. C., Kersten, P., Pearson, J., & Hocking, C. (2018). Cluster-randomised controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention for children aged 11-13 years, designed to increase participation to prevent symptoms of mental illness.

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  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a common, yet typically under-recognised and challenging to treat condition. This talk gives a whistle-stop tour of what BDD is, highlighting the common issues clinicians face when assessing and treating BDD and how to overcome these. We will draw on clinical experience and the evidence-base to help increase knowledge and confidence […]

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    Twilight Meeting
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  • Understanding eating disorder susceptibility requires an integrated sociological, biological and genetic approach

    In 2015, Kristen Culbert, Sarah Racine and Kelly Klump compiled a Research Review on the underlying causes of eating disorders for the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

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  • journal covers-JCPP

    JCPP Editorial: Volume 59, Issue 07, July 2018

    “The rising prevalence of autism” by Eric Fombonne

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  • Journal cover

    CAMH team wishes to say thank you, and best wishes, to Professor Jane Barlow

    Jane joined CAMH team as editor in 2012 and took over as Editor-in-Chief in 2016. She is stepping down from her role in September 2018. CAMH has grown in strength under her leadership – gaining in downloads and altmetric scores and also has seen introduction of ‘narrative matters’ – academic essay on health humanities with special relevance to child and adolescent mental health. CAMH is now looking to recruit a new Editor-in-Chief.

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  • Suicide risk in the young: what, how and who to study

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death in children and adolescents and occurs at a higher rate in this population than in any other age group.

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  • The family environment mediates risk of self-harming

    Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) constitutes any deliberate physical injury to oneself that is not life-threatening. It is a behaviour that commonly starts during adolescence. Childhood family adversity (CFA) is associated with NSSI, but the risk pathways between CFA and NSSI are unclear.

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  • I have one of the best jobs in the world

    “For me words just can’t do justice to the pride and importance I attach to working for ACAMH, I think I’ve got one of the best jobs in the world working with a team of professionals who are really evidently passionate about their work and how it impacts on the wellbeing of children and adolescents.”

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  • The Grenfell Tower Fire: The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Children

    Guest blog from Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru, Team Lead for the NHS Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service’s Trauma Clinic for Children & Young People.

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  • Professor Andrea Danese

    Professor Andrea Danese is Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK. The research from his team focuses on childhood trauma, and he has published widely on the consequences of childhood trauma, the mechanisms through which childhood trauma affects health, and prevention and treatment of […]

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