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You searched for: social anxiety
  • Autism and Attachment: A Need for Conceptual Clarity

    What do we mean by ‘attachment disorders’? Is there a meaningful distinction between these disorders and ‘attachment difficulties’? And where is the overlap with autism?

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  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder with Dr Bruce Clarke and Dr Amita Jassi

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a common, yet typically under-recognised and challenging to treat condition. Dr Bruce Clarke and Dr Amita Jassi highlight the common issues clinicians face when assessing and treating BDD and how to overcome these. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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  • Machine learning improves ADI-R efficiency

    Early interventions in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are essential to improve communication and behavioural skills in affected children. Now, researchers have used machine learning to derive new instrument algorithms that may help practitioners screen for autism more efficiently and effectively.

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  • Routine screening is needed to identify language problems in children with ADHD

    In 2017, Emma Sciberras and colleagues conducted a Research Review for the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry to rigorously analyse how common are language problems in children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Here, the researchers discuss their main findings and explain why they consider that a screen for language function would be a valuable addition to current ADHD assessments.

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  • Children with a language disorder are vulnerable to sexual abuse

    Preliminary data suggest that children with language disorder may be at an increased risk of child sexual abuse (CSA),1,2 but few have studied the CSA experiences, disclosure patterns or reactions to disclosure in these children.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Reducing mental health problems in schools

    Dr Sophie Browning is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working on whole school approaches to mental health. In this podcast with psychology journalist Jo Carlowe, she discusses an innovative cognitive behavioural therapy approach for reducing anxiety and mental health problems in schools. You can listen to this podcast on SoundCloud or iTunes.

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  • In Conversation

    In Conversation… Harmful Sexual Behaviour

    What might predispose a young person to harming sexually? What are the warning signs? And what does it mean to go beyond criminal justice to a public health approach?

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  • Infant Mental Health – How do early life influences impact on mental health?

    Infant Mental Health – Early influences on the child’s development can have a significant impact on their later lives. This conference will help bring together the up to date research on the intergenerational transmission of vulnerabilities in children. It will be looking at putting theory into practice – showcasing local services including a pilot project […]

    Event type
    Day Conference
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  • Reconstructing child psychopathy

    Reconstructing child psychopathy into grandiose-manipulative, callous emotional and daring-impulsive traits will facilitate diagnosis and treatment of conduct disorder.

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  • Functional Family Therapy does not reduce ASB or offending in youths

    A randomized controlled trial has found that Functional Family Therapy (FFT) plus Management As Usual (MAU) does not significantly reduce youth antisocial behaviour (ASB) or offending compared to MAU alone.

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