Dr. Tycho Dekkers

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Dr. Tycho Dekkers

Dr. Dekkers is a senior researcher at the Accare Child Study Center and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands. He also works as a licensed therapist and coordinator of the ADHD team at Levvel, Academic Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Specialized Youthcare in Amsterdam. He is a Joint Editor of CAMH. 

Dr. Dekkers obtained his PhD on the association between ADHD and risk-taking behavior in adolescents, and he is currently involved with the PAINT-consortium, studying the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions (e.g., behavioral parent training, sibling-mediated social skills training) for children with ADHD. Dr. Dekkers is also involved in projects on the link between ADHD and insecure attachment representations, pro-social behavior in adolescents with ADHD, social influences on decision making of adolescents with ADHD, the development of playfulness and its potential link with cognition and psychopathology, and interventions aimed at resistance to peer influence for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.

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