‘Longitudinal studies of child mental disorders in the general population: A systematic review of study characteristics’
Open Access paper from JCPP Advances
Longitudinal studies of child mental disorders in the general population (herein study) investigate trends in prevalence, incidence, risk/protective factors, and sequelae for disorders. They are time and resource intensive but offer life-course perspectives and examination of causal mechanisms. Comprehensive syntheses of the methods of existing studies will provide an understanding of studies conducted to date, inventory studies, and inform the planning of new longitudinal studies.
Authors: Theodora Bogdan, Weiyi Xie, Habeba Talaat, Hafsa Mir, Bhargavi Venkataraman, Laura E. Banfield, Katholiki Georgiades, Laura Duncan
Katholiki Georgiades and Laura Duncan have contributed equally to senior authorship.
First published: 11 August 2023
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