Editorial: Polygenic risk scores and early manifestations of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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Bringing you some selected Open Access journal papers from our portfolio; The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP), Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal (CAMH), and JCPP Advances.

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Open Access paper from JCPP Advances

A recent comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis explored the extent to which early neurocognitive and behavioural precursors are associated with the development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and whether these are currently targeted in early interventions (Shephard et al., 2022). Understanding how ADHD emerge early in life and evolve is a very important research area as it has the potential to help improve early detection and identify new early intervention targets for ADHD (Sonuga-Barke & Halperin, 2010). The systematic review by Shephard et al. (2022) identified a large number of studies (149 cross-sectional or longitudinal studies) that together covered 8 early life neurocognitive and behavioural domains. Results from a series of multilevel random-effects meta-analyses suggested that pre-school children with current or later-emerging ADHD are likely to experience difficulties in multiple neurocognitive and behavioural functions.

Authors; Henrik Larsson, Guilherme V. Polanczyk

First published: 02 September


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