School-based interventions

  • Slides for Emanuel Miller 2019 ‘Attachment and Early Intervention’

    To download, or view, each of the speaker slides for this event please click the link of the named speaker. 09:20 – Professor Marinus H. van IJzendoorn – The vicious cycle of early harsh and insensitive parenting: how much is inherited, how does it affect the brain, and how can we break it? 10:20 Emanuel Miller Memorial Lecture: Professor David Olds – Using […]

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  • ‘Attachment & Early Intervention’ 2019 Emanuel Miller National Conference – members

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  • Most Cited JCPP Articles #43 of 60

    Most cited JCPP papers #43 of 60: Preventing conduct problems and improving school readiness: evaluation of the Incredible Years Teacher and Child Training Programs in high‐risk schools

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  • FRIENDS programme reduced anxiety, but has no effect on school academic performance

    Professor Paul Stallard and colleagues have analysed data from the randomised controlled trial “Preventing Anxiety in Children through Education in Schools” that involved >1,300 children aged 9-10 years from 40 primary schools across England.

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  • ADHD teen

    ADHD – Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder

    ADHD is a behavioural disorder with three key aspects, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

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  • worried teen

    Anxiety Disorders

    Anxiety disorders in children and young people are common and can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being. Anxiety disorders can affect family, school and social life, leisure activities and educational achievement and they often occur alongside other mental health problems.

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  • crying boy


    Not long ago, bullying was viewed as a normal part of childhood’s formative experiences. Over the past 50 years, since the pioneering work of Dan Olweus (1970), bullying started to be recognized as a complex public health matter and a social problem. Solid evidence has accumulated about the impact of bullying victimization on children’s and adolescents’ (hereby youth) mental health and well-being.

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  • two young teen school girls with books and rucksacks

    School-based interventions

    Children and young people spend a great deal of time at school, so it has an important role to play in their development. Time spent in school impacts not just on academic and cognitive progress, but also on social interactions, peer relationships, emotional regulation and behaviour. All these areas affect, and are affected by, mental health (Fazel et al, 2014).

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  • Emanuel Miller Memorial Lecture and Conference 2018 – Focusing on Adolescent Mental Health

    In order to view this content, you need to be an ACAMH member. Membership starts from just 11p a day. We hope you consider joining and being part of the advancement of child and adolescent mental health.

    Current members will need to be registered as a website user and log in, our guide to this simple process can be accessed here.

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  • Worth-it: focussing on positive mental health, resilience and wellbeing interventions

    ‘Worth-it’ is a social enterprise dedicated to delivering resilience and wellbeing intervention programmes to children in schools. The interventions and training courses are underpinned by the principles of ‘Positive Psychology’ which is defined as the scientific study of positive human functioning.

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