School-based interventions
Associate Professor Mina Fazel ‘Child refugee mental health needs’ – In Conversation
Associate Professor Mina Fazel talks child refugee mental health, the predominant symptoms seen in this group, and how are these children and young people can be best supported.
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Managing transition for school leaders post lockdown
Short film from charity Nip in the Bud about strategies school staff can use to support children through difficult transitions so that they feel happy, safe and open to learning.
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How accurate are teachers’ assessments of children’s mental health?
Frances Mathews, Tamsin Ford and colleagues have performed a secondary analysis of the 2004 British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey, to understand how accurately teacher concern predicts the presence of a mental disorder in school children.
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Identifying mental health difficulties in children & young people: the role of schools
Schools may be a particularly good place to pick up on the early signs of mental health difficulties. Emma Soneson and Tamsin Ford outline the reasons for this
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Dr. Maria Loades ‘COVID19 and social isolation, school-based interventions, and CBT’ – In Conversation
Dr. Maria Loades discusses Covid19 and its implications for young people’s mental health, the Rapid Systematic Review exploring the repercussions of the pandemic on social isolation and loneliness.
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Are school-based interventions for depression and anxiety symptoms effective?
Gee et al. conducted a systematic search for randomised controlled trials of indicated psychological interventions delivered in an education setting. They focused on trials of interventions for adolescents aged 10-19 with elevated symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.
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Implementing mental health support in schools faces many challenges
Researchers identified 50 studies that reported barriers or facilitators to implementing interventions for adolescent emotional disorders delivered in educational settings. They found several important factors, including barriers of practical and logistical problems, and facilitators of quality training and supervision.
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South Carolina leads the way in developing a school mental health system
In 2018, a shooting incident at a high school in Florida led the Governor of South Carolina and key leaders in education and mental health services to collaborate on ensuring safety in schools.
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Effectiveness of indicated school‐based interventions for adolescent depression and anxiety – Brioney Gee video abstract
Research on school-based interventions to reduce depression and anxiety in adolescents.
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Most cited CAMH paper #10 of 25: Implementation quality of whole‐school mental health promotion and students’ academic performance
Katherine L. Dix, Phillip T. Sle,e Michael J. Lawson, John P. Keeves.
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Key Practitioner Message includes; Given the known relationship between student academic achievement and mental health, many nations are mounting school‐based mental health interventions: however, the quality of program implementation remains a concern.