Parent training
PCIT-ED seems to improve parenting behaviour and affect towards children with depression
Data from a new study show that parenting behaviour and affect improved after completing a dyadic parent–child treatment for depression in young children (aged 3-6 years).
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Some simple steps to using principles from Behavioural Activation to improve the mood of Children and Families who are at home and self-isolating
In this short article we are going to look at how an evidence based treatment for depression called Behavioural Activation (BA) could be helpful for families in lockdown.
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Most Cited JCPP Articles #34 of 60
Most cited JCPP papers #34 of 60: Predictors of parent training efficacy for child externalizing behavior problems – a meta‐analytic review
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Most Cited JCPP Articles #50 of 60
Most cited JCPP papers #50 of 60: Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders: a randomized, controlled trial
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Parent-delivered teaching supports children’s early language development
This article is a summary of the paper ‘An evaluation of a parent-delivered early language enrichment programme: evidence from a randomised controlled trial’ by Burgoyne et al. (2018), published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
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Getting help with parenting makes a difference – at any age
Parenting interventions for helping children with behavioural problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children, according to new Oxford University research.
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Parents should keep talking to boost infant language development
Children from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds tend to have poorer language skills when starting school than those from higher SES backgrounds. Now, data shows that increasing the amount of “contingent talk”— whereby a caregiver talks about objects that an infant is directly focusing on — within an infant’s first year of life promotes a wide vocabulary later in infancy.
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ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. People on the autism spectrum may have difficulties with social communication, social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviours, activities or interests.
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ADHD – Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder
ADHD is a behavioural disorder with three key aspects, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
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