
  • Determining the “IMPACT” of therapeutics for depression requires an adaptive trial design

    A large proportion of adolescents suffering from moderate-to-severe major depression respond to psychological and pharmacological therapy, and the range of effective treatment modalities is increasing. Now, Ian Goodyer and Paul Wilkinson have compiled a Practitioner Review that compares the various treatment options available and assesses their effectiveness for adolescents affected by major depressive episodes.

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  • Does mental health awareness do more harm than good? A response from Prof Tamsin Ford to The Spectator

    The Spectator recently published an article on mental health awareness. Professor Tamsin Ford responds, “The dismissive tone of the article is unfortunate and undermines the important point that the author could have made, which is that policy should be evidence-based and evaluated for unexpected consequences.”

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  • thin teen girl

    Eating Disorders

    Eating disorders: an introduction to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders. From this topic guide, you can find the latest blogs, events, publications, videos and podcasts.

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  • confused young girl

    OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) experience unpleasant and intrusive thoughts, images, doubts or urges (called obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (called compulsions). Compulsions are usually carried out as a way of reducing the distress caused by obsessions. OCD takes many different forms and causes distress and interference to day-to-day life. 

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  • Teen girl trying to speak

    Tourette Syndrome

    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological condition that is estimated to effect over 300,000 children and adults in the UK; and one school child in every hundred.

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  • Traumatised young boy


    Most children and young people experience at least one traumatic event before age of 18 years.

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  • Affirmative care may elicit the best mental health outcomes in transgender youths

    In their recent review published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Jack Turban and Diane Ehrensaft highlight that high rates of anxiety, depression and suicidal intentions in children with gender concerns may be reduced by following affirmative treatment protocols.

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