Developmental perspectives on child psychology and psychiatry
The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry’s Annual Research Review is a must-read special issue of the journal that presents a series of major reviews of key topics in the field. This year the ARR consists of 8 reviews, each accompanied by a commentary from leading experts in the field.
The Annual Research Review will have free online access until the end of April 2019!
The rise and rise of developmental perspectives in child psychology and psychiatry
Sara R. Jaffee
Annual Research Reviews
Annual Research Review: Does late‐onset attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder exist?
Philip Asherson, Jessica Agnew‐Blais
Commentary: ADHD lifetime trajectories and the relevance of the developmental perspective to Psychiatry: reflections on Asherson and Agnew‐Blais, (2019)
Guilherme V. Polanczyk, Caio Casella, Sara R. Jaffee
Annual Research Review: Maternal antidepressant use during pregnancy and offspring neurodevelopmental problems – a critical review and recommendations for future research
Ayesha C. Sujan, A. Sara Öberg, Patrick D. Quinn, Brian M. D’Onofrio
Commentary: Studies of prenatal antidepressant exposures: what can you recommend? A reflection on Sujan et al. (2019)
Ardesheer Talati, Myrna M. Weissman
Annual Research Review: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder late birthdate effect common in both high and low prescribing international jurisdictions: a systematic review
Martin Whitely, Melissa Raven, Sami Timimi, Jon Jureidini, John Phillimore, Jonathan Leo, Joanna Moncrieff, Patrick Landman
Commentary: ‘Ready or not here I come’: developmental immaturity as a driver of impairment and referral in young‐for‐school‐grade ADHD children. A reformulation inspired by Whitely et al. (2019)
Edmund J.S. Sonuga‐Barke, R.M. Pasco Fearon
Annual Research Review: Pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder from a neurodevelopmental network perspective
Carl F. Weems, Justin D. Russell, Erin L. Neill, Bethany H. McCurdy
Annual Research Review: Developmental computational psychiatry
Tobias U. Hauser, Geert‐Jan Will, Magda Dubois, Raymond J. Dolan
Commentary: Building the developmental foundations of developmental computational psychiatry: reflections on Hauser et al. (2019)
Katherine E. Kabotyanski, Michael D. Mayer, Mahalia Prater Fahey, Leah H. Somerville
Annual Research Review: The state of implementation science in child psychology and psychiatry: a review and suggestions to advance the field
Nathaniel J. Williams, Rinad S. Beidas
Annual Research Review: Expanding mental health services through novel models of intervention delivery
Alan E. Kazdin
Commentary: Metaknowledge is power: envisioning models to address unmet mental health needs: reflections on Kazdin (2019)
Bruce F. Chorpita
Annual Research Review: Educational neuroscience: progress and prospects
Michael S. C. Thomas, Daniel Ansari, Victoria C. P. Knowland
Commentary: Broadening the scope of educational neuroscience, reflections on Thomas, Ansari, and Knowland (2019)
Allyson P. Mackey

Sara is the Annual Research Reviews Editor for JCPP. She is Professor in Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She is also a faculty director for The Field Center and has consulted for NIH R25 Summer Training Institute.